直面する課題について 【アーカイブ】
森永ヒ素ミルク事件の画期的通史。[分析期間: 1950-1974]

タイトルは『科学技術のリスク評価 森永ヒ素粉乳中毒事件を中心に』(編集工房球)であり、解説は、夫である中島秀人氏だ。ちなみに秀人氏は、『ロバート・フック ニュートンに消された男』で1997年度の大沸次郎賞を受賞するなど、日本の科学技術史研究の第一人者である。
ただし、著者自らが書くように、本書の分析の期間は「ひかり協会」の誕生までである。「1950年から1974年までを分析の対象時期とする」としている。それ以降の「ひかり協会」の大掛かりな変質と特定党派の介入を含めた現在に至るまでの異常事態は、能瀬英太郎氏の近著『ひかりと影と 森永ヒ素ミルク中毒事件と被害者運動』が担当している。
【新刊】新刊書『ひかりと影と 森永ヒ素ミルク中毒事件と被害者運動』(第1回)

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〒700-0811 岡山市北区番町1-10-30 森永ヒ素ミルク中毒事件資料館/岡崎久弥
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■学術論文 1.
http://shakai-gijutsu.org/vol3/3_90.pdf (PDF:82.3KB)
社会技術研究会 J-STAGE : 社会技術研究論文集
中島貴子氏 略歴 ---
独立行政法人 科学技術振興機構所管の、社会技術研究開発センター研究員、東京大学大学院
法学政治学研究科21世紀COEプログラム 特任研究員を歴任。
■学術論文 2.
(J-STAGE : 社会技術研究論文集)
■学術論文 3.
T 事故調査・情報収集分析体制の在り方
(Jurist ジュリスト誌特集論文 2006年発表をご参照ください)
■学術論文 4.
■学術論文 5.
■学術論文 6.
『日本の科学者』2007年5月1日発行版 掲載論文(PDF:3,700KB)
「森永ヒ素ミルク中毒事件には、医学や法律の専門知がリスク評価を誤り、事態を混乱させ、被害者救済を遅らせた側面がある。この側面は、リスク評価の対象や方法の選択を特定分野の専門家に独占させず、消費者保護を最優先に考える幅広い専門家に解放する必要と、専門家と一般市民の協同作業の有効性を吟味する必要を示している。」 (同論文リードより)
Epidemiological Studies on the Morinaga Powdered Milk Poisoning Incident ※本文は日本語です
In 1955, many babies who had drunk arsenic-tainted milk produced at the
Tokushima Plant of the Morinaga Milk-Industry Company Ltd., suffered from
serious poisoning. The number of victims ascertained in February, 1956 covering
27 prefectures in the western part of Japan was 12, 159, of whom 131
The disaster was caused by the process of manufacturing the powdered
milk. Disodium phosphate was added as a stabilizer to make the milk easily
soluble. This disodium phosphate was poorly purified, intended for non-food
industrial use, and contained a toxic dose of arsenic, sodium arsenite and
vanadium compounds etc.
Shortly after the disaster, numerous medical reports
were published. A committee organized by the Society for Child Health (the
chairman was Prof. Nishizawa of Osaka University; so it was called the Nishizawa
Committee), determined criteria for the diagnosis of the poisoning; but these
criteria were inadequate and erroneous from several points of view. Strange to
say, debates and publications about the disaster disappeared quickly after the
report was published by the Health Department of Okayama Prefecture stating that
the victims had recovered completely according to the criteria established by
the Nishizawa Committee only one year after the disaster.
Until 1969, when
Prof. Maruyama et al., of Osaka University reported on victims whom they had
visited, no study had been made to ascertain whether or not there were any
after-effects of the poisoning. Much fault must be found with the Ministry of
Health and Welfare, with the attitude of the Morinaga Company, and with the
doctors concerned, for this neglect to follow-up such an unprecedented and
large-scale disaster.
In 1969, the authors managed to organize an
epidemiological study group with several departments of Hiroshima University and
the Department of Hygiene of Okayama University cooperating and have developed
joint research on this disaster as follows:
1. A follow-up survey was made
among victims in Okayama Prefecture between December 1969 and April 1970. 214
people answered the questionnaire and 74 were given a medical examination.
A prospective study was made on the basis of a questionnaire on clnical
complaints collected at the time of the disaster in 1955.
3. A comparative
study was performed between the victims and their brothers and sisters.
4. A
comparative study was performed among handicapped children in institutions in
Okayama Prefecture, who were born between January 1st, 1953 and December 31st,
1955. The children were divided into three groups, namely those who had consumed
the arsenic-tainted milk, those who were brought up on different brands of
powdered milk from different companies, and those fed only maternal milk.
A comparative study was performed among all children born between January 1st,
1954 and December 31st, 1955 and brought up in Seno district in Hiroshima
Prefecture which has a relatively stationary population and where good records
had been kept of the physical growth and mental development of the children in
the nursery, primary and junior high schools. The children were divided into the
same three groups as mentioned above. This study was performed as a joint
research project by the Departments of Public Health (Director: Prof. M.
Tanaka), Orthopedics (Director: Prof. K. Tsuge), Ophthalmology (Director: Prof.
T. Dodo) and Psychiatry and Neurology (Director: Prof. K. Sarai) of Hiroshima
University Medical School and Deparment of Conservative Dentistry (Director:
Prof. T. Inoue) of Hiroshima University Dental School, and Department of Hygiene
(Director: Prof. M. Ohira) of Okayama University Medical School. All clinical
examinations were conducted separately under the double blind method.
6. The
124 cases of the children examined in the district of Senogawa town were
discussed individually by the six medical doctors and five dentists who did the
Distinguished Alumnus Award 2010
2010 Recipients
Hideyasu Aoyama, SPH '69
Hideyasu Aoyama managed the directors of every preventive medicine department in all of Japan's medical schools prior to his retirement in 2003, including Okayama University Medical School and Kochi Women’s University, the premier Japanese women's institute for nursing and health. He has been an outspoken voice for worker safety, pushing to discover the etiology of the disease subacute myelo-optic neuropathy (SMON), a neurologic disease resulting from exposure to the drug clioquinol, which was associated with two epidemics in Okayama. He was among the few public health physicians who worked to establish the industrial origins of an outbreak of arsenic poisoning among Japanese children and to continue to bring public pressure upon the company that was responsible. His work eventually led to long-term treatment and care for survivors of the epidemic. Hideyasu has also been decorated with a number of nationally based awards in Japan as well as election to the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars. In February 1999, he was elected to the Bloomberg School's Dean's Alumni Advisory Council. Hideyasu has brought a global perspective to the practice of public health in Japan. Within one year of his graduation from the Bloomberg School he helped to set up a fellowship program for non-Japanese physicians coming to Japan. He reinforced his beliefs in cultural exchange and international scholarship in May 2002 when he endowed the Aoyama-Kita Scholarship at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, which has granted funding to students every year since its founding.
Johns Hopkins Alumnus Distinguished Alumnus Award 2010から引用
Research Institute Science and Technology Society
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デジタルアーカイブ コーナー