The Profile of Representative

English - Русский - Français - Deutsch - Español

Hisaya OKAZAKI / 岡崎 久弥

President : Japan Consulting Network (self-employed) [Management consultant] *1)

[NGO & NPO] Non Government Organization & Non Profit Organization—
Representative : Japanese Center of Researching KOTOU fortress  *2)
 NEWS REPORT[English]:International Herald Tribune etc..

Director : Museum of Morinaga Powdered Milk Arsenic Poisoning Incident  *3)

 ENGLISH REPORT: 1.  / 2.  / 3. . . . .
 NEWS REPORT[Japanese]:Open of the Musuem [pdf ]

Representative : The Team of Researching a Graffiti Crime at Central Area of Okayama City.

 NEWS [Japanese] :   1 /  NEWS LETTER / there is many...

Associate Researcher :
 The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences[CASS]. Institute of Nomonhan-war.
 Institute of Border Fortress Built by Old Japanese Occupation Army.

Honor Researcher :
 The HUTOU [KOTOU] Fortress Relics Museum in China.

1-10-30, ban-cyo, kita-ku, okayama-city, okayama-pref, japan. 700-0811
700-0811 岡山県 岡山市 北区 番町 1-10-30
Offical Blog "The Citizen”


Русский》 Хисая ОКАЗАКИ
Президент: Японская консалтинговая сеть (самозанятая) *1)
      [Консультант по вопросам управления]

[NGO & NPO]/Неправительственная организация и некоммерческая организация—
Представитель: Японский центр исследования крепости КОТОУ *2)
Режиссер: Музей Моринага Порошковый язвенный инцидент с отравлением мышьяком   *3)
Представитель: Группа исследования преступления граффити в центральном районе города Окаяма

Ассоциированный научный сотрудник :
 Китайская академия общественных наук
 Институт войны Номонхан
 Институт пограничной крепости, построенный старой японской армией оккупации
Почетный научный сотрудник : 
 Музей реликвий крепости ХУТУУ [KOTOU] в Китае

Président: Japan Consulting Network (travailleur autonome) *1)
[Consultant en gestion ]

[NGO & NPO]/Organisation non gouvernementale et organisation à but non lucratif—
Representant : Centre japonais de recherche de la forteresse KOTOU *2)
Realisateur : Musee of morinaga intoxication par arsenic au lait en poudre *3)

Représentant:L'équipe de recherche d'un crime Graffiti dans la zone centrale de la ville d'Okayama

Chercheur associé:
L'Académie chinoise des sciences sociales Institut de la guerre de Nomonhan
Institut de forteresse frontalière construit par l'ancienne armée d'occupation japonaise

Chercheur d'honneur:

Le musée des reliques de la forteresse HUTOU [KOTOU] en Chine
Prasident: Japan Consulting Network (Selbstandige) [Unternehmensberater] *1)

[Nichtregierungsorganisation & Non-Profit-Organisation]
Reprasentant: Japanisches Zentrum der Erforschung der KOTOU Festung *2) Regie: Museum von Morinaga Powdered Milk Arsenic Vergiftung Vorfall *3)
Reprasentant: Das Team der Erforschung eines Graffiti-Verbrechens im zentralen Bereich von Okayama City

Associate Researcher:
Die Chinesische Akademie fur Sozialwissenschaften Institut fur Nomonhan-Krieg
Institut der Grenzfestung von der alten japanischen

Besatzungsarmee gebaut Ehrenforscher

Das HUTOU [KOTOU] Fortress Relics Museum in China
Presidente: Japan Consulting Network (autonomo) [Consultor en administracion] *1)

[Organizacion No Gubernamental]
Representante: Centro Japones de Investigacion de fortaleza KOTOU *2)
Director: Museo de Morinaga Leche en polvo Incidente de intoxicacion por arsenico *3)

Representante: El equipo de investigacion de un crimen de Graffiti en el area central de la ciudad de Okayama

Investigador asociado
La Academia China de Ciencias Sociales Instituto de Nomonhan-guerra
Instituto de la fortaleza de la frontera construido por el ejercito de la ocupacion del viejo japones

Investigador Honor
Museo de las Reliquias de la Fortaleza HUTOU [KOTOU] en China

*1) The Business Contents

Management of various at project management, Improvement of synthetic profit, Improvement of productivity, Cost reduction, Decision of management & financial strategic, Supporting of business IT-ization, Supporting of research and deveropment, Supporting of patent sales, Supporting of foreign investment, Education & training for employee.

*2) The KOTOU fortress
 The KOTOU fortress is an underground military fortress which Japanese army built on the border between “Manchuria" and the Soviet Union.
 The fortress garrison was not informed of the surrender of the Japanese army on August 15, 1945.
As a result, battle took place between the Japanese Army and the Soviet Army until August 26, 1945, and the survival rate of Japanese was less than 2%.
 Behind this, the military executives escape from Manchuria, so it is pointed out that they may have dared to kill friendly troops
 It is said to be “the last battlefield of the Second World War” in war history,.
 My father, Tetsuo Okazaki was a soldier of old Japanese army, and so he was one of the 2% survivors of this battle.
He was forced labor in concentration camp as "POW” of former Soviet red army after this war, but He was survive. About 570,000 Japanese POW by former Soviet red army was dead in 10% at hungry or –40 degree cold.
 After three years, he came back to Japan. But after 10 years, his daughter have been to victim of “Morinaga Powdered Milk Arsenic Poisoning Incident”. [Please see “Note*3 ” at this problem.]
 He argued that old Japanese army's corruption was symbolically present in this catastrophic and unusual battle, wrote a documentary after the war, and told the Japanese people the truth.
 This fortress is comparable to the Maginot Line Fortress ,but detailed information such as design drawings has not been discovered yet. I inherit my father's will and I continue to research personally about the secret of this fortress and the strategy of the Soviet army.  
 He argued that old Japanese army's corruption was symbolically present in this catastrophic and unusual battle, wrote a documentary after the war, and told the Japanese people the truth.
 This fortress is comparable to “the Maginot Fortress”, but detailed information such as design drawings has not been discovered yet.
 Since my father's book was published, China knew about this fortress and started re-discovering it. My father's book was translated and published in China. This is the first time that the Chinese citizen knew about the fortress.
 I inherit my father's will and I continue to research personally about the secret of this fortress and the strategy of the Soviet army. The KOTOU fortress is one of “First grade cultural material in China" .

    written by Hisaya OKAZAKI

NEWS REPORT at our srvey.

[This is most nearest news at “Last Emperor” by our survey.]
[Wild plants of Mongolia, It approaches the base of invasion to Japan]
[This is TV-documentary at our field survey Mongolia in 2015.]
[This is TV-documentary at our field survey Moscow in 2016.]

TV-Documentary about our survey has was world two awards.
2017, Double winning at the worldwide television documentary festival.


celebrating 50 years of acknowledging creative excellence in film & video productions
Silver Screen award
The news release by Asahi Broadcasting corporation [pdf]

Entrant: Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) / Osaka
Production Producer: Takahisa Fujita; Director: Hirofumi Yoshihara
Company: Photographer: Nobusuke Kobayashi, Shingo Sakamoto
Additional Credits: Historian: Hisaya Okazaki; Editor: Hiroaki Nakamori; EED: Nohana Kogita;
MA: Yoichi Maede; VE: Shinsuke Tamura

 For 70 years, three enormous Soviet Army bases remained "undiscovered" on the plains of Mongolia. The discovery of these bases support Stalin's intent to invade Japan and completely overturn previously believed Japanese Army conceptions of the Soviets' logistical capabilities. The bases were large enough to fit the entirety of modern-day Tokyo's city loop train line within their boundaries. Why and how did the Soviets build these enormous bases and what role did they play in the Soviet-Japanese War? That mystery still remains. Our investigation found that several Soviet soldiers who had been stationed at these bases during the Soviet-Japanese War were still alive and living in today's Transbaikal region and other areas. Their statements revealed that Soviet Army personnel stationed at these bases played a major role in the capture and transport of Emperor Puyi of Manchukuo. The significance of these enormous secret bases is brought out in relief as Stalin's hidden ambitions are revealed.

2. NEW YORK FESTIVAL World's Best TV & Films 2017 [NYF]

Competition:Television - Documentary/Information Program
Category: Editorial/Viewpoint


*3)Morinaga Powdered Milk Arsenic Poisoning Incident
“Morinaga Powdered Milk Arsenic Poisoning Incident” was said most biggest food pollution in the world history.
In August 1955, 12,159 babies was victims, and 131 babies was dead within one year that incident was happen .
But the MORINAGA company had refused relief the babies during 20 years.
This company used Japanese government’s power and the bad doctors and media. All Japanese media have keep complete silent at this incident during 14 years.
My father was leader of relief movement in parents of victim babies. My old sister was victim, and she was dead at July,2000 that she was 45 years old.
[Now, 6,000 person have serious aftereffect. And about 1,200 person[10%] dead until today. ]
20 years after, my father putted MORINAGA into a corner by nationwide movement of “Boycott of MORINAGA PRDUCTS”. MORINAGA was also defeated at trial. But they is not reflect. Because the MORINAGA still continue distorting the history of incident by various chance in now.
Japanese government have policy that food pollution is private corporation’s self responsibility.
This policy is that Japanese government relief for crime company. This policy have producing absurdity that relief level of victims is decisied by power balance of between crime company to its victim’s movement.
In other words, "the more the food pollution accident becomes larger, the more the victim will not be relieved" will be absurd. But no one makes this a problem.
And Japanese government still have nothing measure at this problem. The present condition is grabe serious evill as a low level of Japanese government policy capabilities on victim[company's crime] relief measures.
This is state that government don't save people in nationwide food pollution. This is also state that public sector don’t have public responsibility although government collect tax from people. The Japanese government who self-named foods excellence country, hides this poverty situation.
Now Japanese government still have this policy. So Japanese nation don’t save from the victim relief of food pollution in real.
I have telling true history of this incident and true state of Japanese government. Detail is as follow.


[Introductin at morinaga's incident]

[The problem of Wikipedia]

《Chinese》 *3)

■Return to the Top Page The KOTOU fortress

■Return to the Top Page Museum of Morinaga Powdered Milk Arsenic Poisoning Incident