3.11 東日本大震災
Higashi Nihon Daishinsai    Link Free
東京電力 福島第一原発事故

A lie called “souteigai” “souteigai“means the assumption outside or unexpected.  "souteigai" is an act that those who assume a dangerous situation should be excluded.

 Japan / Earthquake - Tsunami - Nuclear Crisis
          - since. 2011.3.11 -
  Museum of Morinaga Arsenic Milk Poisoning Incident.
森永ヒ素ミルク中毒事件 資料館
【English version commentary】Morinaga arsenic milk poisoning incident



 『Die Fukushima-Lűge フクシマの嘘』ドイツZDF (30分番組)12/03/18 ZDF

本来は、東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故のウソ、或いは、原子力ムラの嘘というべきだろう。投稿者 sievert311 同時に、下記を含めた「日本の大きな嘘」というべきかもしれない。
 ・速報資料① 米国 エネルギー・環境研究所
 ・速報資料② 英国「The Telegraph」 2011年3月16日午後10時52分


 ・3月18日時点での資料館のコメント 「すべての英知を救援と復興へ」
 ・3月20日時点での資料館のコメント 「想定外の本当の意味」 
 ・3月27日時点での資料館のコメント 「福島沿岸を棄民にする政治」
 ・4月4日時点での資料館のコメント  「政府は市民の声を聞くべき」
 ・4月9日時点での資料館のコメント  「責任あいまい化の科学論」
 ・4月12日時点での資料館のコメント 「官製アナウンスが信頼されない理由」
 ・4月18日時点での資料館のコメント 「風評被害防止の企画に浸透する言説」
 ・4月18日時点での資料館のコメント 「弱いものが、さらに弱いものを叩く」
 ・4月28日時点での資料館のコメント 「産業公害の無責任構造再来か」


 ・原発震災を警告した石橋克彦教授の見解とブログ (LINK情報)
 ・低線量域における被曝リスク NPO法人 市民科学研究室 (LINK情報)
 ・原子力災害に関する諸情報 (LINK情報)
 ・黒部信一医師から放射線被曝についての警鐘 (LINK情報)
 ・世界の主要な核事故事例 (LINK情報)
 ・グレゴリー・クラーク氏の日本論 (LINK情報)
 ・全漁連の抗議文 (LINK情報)
 ・モニタリング&地震津波関連情報 (LINK情報)
 ・首相官邸&原子力推進関係当局 (LINK情報)
 ・海外のエネルギー研究機関 (LINK情報)
 ・資料 IEER
 資料 The Telegraph    etc...
 資料 REUTERS 特別リポート:地に落ちた安全神話─福島原発危機はなぜ起きたか

 書籍紹介 【新刊】
「原発・放射能 子どもが危ない」
黒部信一 共著
文春新書刊 小出裕章 黒部信一 共著 「原発・放射能 子どもが危ない」
文春新書刊 小出裕章 黒部信一 共著 「原発・放射能 子どもが危ない」
「原発事故と子どもたち  放射能対策ハンドブック」 黒部信一著 三一書房刊

--------- 【速報】 ① -------


Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 12:16:43 +0900


         No. 1929 (2011.03.17)


Post-Tsunami Situation at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan
by Arjun Makhijani


エネルギー・環境研究所(IEER) (米国)

2011年3月14日 メリーランド州タコマ・パーク発






































日本における一連の結果は、ブルックヘブン報告書で概説されたものとは多少異なったものになるだろう。というのも、原子力発電所から50キロ圏と500キロ圏それぞれの人口密度やリラッキング方針(re-racking policy:稠密化=搬出先が確保できないために、やむをえず使用済み燃料の配置密度を高める方法)、その他いくつかの変数によって結果が違ってくるからだ。

また、第一原発の1号機の出力定格(power rating)は、米国にある多くの原子炉の約半分であるため、ほかの条件がすべて同じであれば、貯蔵プールの放射能量は通常の約半分だろうことにも注目すべきである。しかし、ブルックヘブンの研究が一般的に示しているのは、最も深刻な場合の被害規模は甚大になり得ることだと解釈できる。







こうしたことを向こう数十年のうちに経済的に行うことは可能である。電力システムの信頼を維持し、その安全性を大きく改善しながら行えることは、2007年に刊行された拙著『仮邦題:化石燃料・原子力からの脱却――米国エネルギー政策のロードマップ』(Carbon-Free and Nuclear Free: A Roadmap for U.S.Energy Policy)や、その後の一連の研究(IEERのウェブサイトで公開中)で示した通りである。拙著は以下のURLより無料でダウンロードできる。

▲ページTOPへ 戻る

米国 エネルギー・環境研究所(IEER)の見解
For immediate release: Thursday, April 7, 2011
More Stringent, Coordinated Fukushima Fallout Monitoring Needed to Determine Radioactive Iodine Risk to U.S. Milk and Water
Food, Water and Air Monitoring Should Continue in Government Shutdown;
U.S. Agency Claims on Radiation Danger and Risk Are Contradictory, Misleading


------------ 【速報】 ② ---------

英国「The Telegraph」 2011年3月16日
Japan nuclear plant: Just 48 hours to avoid 'another Chernobyl'


















▲ページTOPへ 戻る

資料館の所感--- 3.18













 一部の向きは、お茶の間の画面で、大して意味もなく、しきりに「安全です」と繰り返しつつ、一転、建屋爆発崩壊すると、その直後、「あれが原子炉が入っている建屋でないことを私は祈ります」と叫んでしまった。この学者は、「原発は心配ない」と繰り返しつつ、福島第一原発の原子炉圧力容器の配置すら知らなかったのか? その後、崩壊したのが原子炉建屋だと「わかってしまう」と、今度は開き直ったかのように、それがまるで格納容器を守るための危機回避の“自爆”であるかのように簡単に言ってのけて、「爆発することで安全になりました。圧力容器は分厚いステンレスだから、これしきのことは大丈夫です」といったようなことを一言で述べてしまっていることには驚愕せざるを得ない。一体、この人たちは原子力を語りながら、本当のところは現実の原発施設の基本構造や脆弱性を知らないのではないか? 水素爆発がいかに重大な事故か理解しているのか? と素人目にも疑ってしまう。よくその後も、反省もなく、画面に登場し続けることができるものだ。もう、うんざりである。








 放射性物質漏洩による放射能被害は、 「線源から継続的に照射される放射線量×被曝時間」 であるからだ。線源から出る線量を測定して基準値と比較する作業も、線源自体がどれほど降下しているか、降下汚染している線源の核種がどういったものかの解析と公開を抜きにしては語れない。放射性物質を拡散した場合の原発事故や、中性子線を照射する事態となった核事故において、「レントゲン何回分だから大丈夫」などという例示をしても、むなしいだけである。









 首都圏は壊滅などしないだろう。放射線は見えないし、匂いも色もない。核事故に伴う放射能汚染は、十分な情報公開の前提の上に、十分な知識と市民の健康と安全を守る確固とした姿勢がなければ、危険性など感知されようもない。福島の原発をオペレーションしていた東電の社員自体が「安全だと聞かされていたから、安心していたのに驚いて逃げた。もう戻らない」と言っている有様である。 ましてや、科学を語りつつ、御用学者が「安全神話」を演出してきた原子力業界では、市民に警鐘を鳴らす人間は放逐されている。わずかに原子力資料情報センター(CNIC)などから警告を発信するチャンスしかない。











 最低限の知識をもっている市民は十分、自己判断で冷静を保っている。冷静に行動している市民の行動は、あいまい表現をあいまいに信用しておとなしく従っている姿ではない。上から目線の人々は、庶民をおとなしくさせるには、「あまり知らせないことが肝要だ」と考えているのであろうか? この有様では、これまで散々国民が騙されていると指弾してきたはずの、どこかの「万年非常事態の国」とおなじではないか?




(※ 「素人というものはモノを知らないから勝手に不安がって困る。俺たちが安心させてやる。」というロジックが常套手段。人間の生物としての本能的危機感からくる疑問とそれによる正常な追跡調査を「科学の名」によって押さえ込み、ごく一部のものの現世の利益を庇護する行為)











 当館の周辺でも福島への救済の遅れ、情報の薄さを心配する人々がいる。現状にどう対処するのか? 納税者である国民を守る責務があるはずの「公的セクター」からは、原発に関する重箱の本体ではなく隅の情報ばかりが流布され、福島の被災民への救援の方策も情報もほとんど聞こえてこない。

 一方で、私たちは、今後も御用学者の言説を信じ、それをメッセンジャーとして伝え、針路変更の議論の努力もせず、現状に拘泥し、電気を惜しげもなくたっぷり使える生活を最優先していきたいのだろうか? わが国の大体の原発が活断層を避けずに立地され、現実に見合った十分な耐震構造ではないということは公知の事実にもかかわらず、国から安全だといわれると安心しなくてはいけない義務でもあるのだろうか?

▲ページTOPへ 戻る

二重の責任回避のため?  福島沿岸を棄民にする政治


 「すぐには健康に影響はないが、継続的にはさけたほうがいい」、という言説をもとに考えるなら、原発付近でも「自主的判断」になるのだろうか。じっくり考えてくれ、というロジックになるのだろうか。少なくとも厳しい決断は後手後手になるだろう。5年後10年後に晩発性の疾病が発生しても因果関係をどう証明するのか? 知らぬ存ぜぬ、を決めこまれたら、住民はどうなるのか。とにかく安全だ、という人は、その因果関係を明確に立証する責任を果たすつもりなのか?そんなもの立証できません、の一言でおわるのではないか? 


 安全を連発する人々が、彼らが安全だという30キロ圏外隣接地域には決して、あるいはなかなか、なかなか、行こうとしないのはなぜか?それほど安全な原発をなぜ大都市の港湾に建設しなかったのか? 政府は、30年前に発せられたこの質問に、今後は明確に答えるべきだろう。






 かつて、米国コロンビア川の上流で発生したハンフォード再処理工場からの汚染で一説として言われているのは、放射性物質は、川の水を1とすると、プランクトンが摂取して2千倍に濃縮され、そのプランクトンを摂取する魚ではさらに1万5千倍に濃縮され、それを食べる鳥でさらに4万倍へ濃縮されるという。虫を食べるツバメでは50万倍、水鳥の卵で100万倍ともいう。食物連鎖で濃縮されるというものである。(広瀬隆氏 『危険な話~チェルノブイリと日本の運命~』 1988年 8月書館刊)

 これに限らず、濃縮というのは水俣病でも経験済みの水質汚染に関する常識的な知見のはずだが…。「希釈」されるのなら、水俣病の有機水銀はなぜ水で薄まらなかったのだろうか? 四日市の大気汚染は、なぜ風で薄まらなかったのか。









▲ページTOPへ 戻る








▲ページTOPへ 戻る


中部大学 武田邦彦教授(元・原子力安全委員会 専門委員)の言説




 どうも氏は、世論が権力と御用科学者によって封じ込められているときは、“まだ経験していない危険の予測は学問には無理だ”、としつつ、アクシデントとして最悪の事態が露見すると、“今後の事態の予測は学問には無理”と、物質そのものの危険性を叫んで市民の味方を気取り、メディアの歓心をひき、「異端の科学者」として芸人的に登場し、「ネクスト環境大臣」にしてもらって発言機会を増やし、視聴者の感情にうまく浸透しつつ、役人たたきの側面を過度に強調し、最終的には企業責任を免罪あるいは過少評価しようという明確な長期プランと意思をお持ちなのだろうか? 同氏の論理的自己矛盾は、政治的立場というフィルターを重ねると、「原因企業には予測が無理だ。ちゃんと規制しなかった役人が悪い」という社会的言語としては矛盾が解消してしまうところがトリックだ。
 しかし、氏がいうところの「学問は予測がそもそもできない」という主張を前提にしながら、公的セクターが何を基準に規制をかけるのか、については明確な説明が行われているように思えない。むしろ、氏は、政府のリスクコミュニケーションの拙さにより市民が疑心暗鬼になって、「予測不能という心理的不安に陥って自衛するしかないような」情況に乗じて、自らの、「予見不可能性」理論の活躍のチャンスと捉えているのだろうか? 真意を聞きたいところである。



しかし、当面稼動する原発への耐震基準の強化を科学的立証を通じて要求した石橋克彦氏が短期間のうちに愛想をつかした原子力安全委員会が、安全な原発政策を推進しようという姿勢すらないことは明らかである。それは、石橋克彦氏がかつて異議申し立てをした原子力安全委員会の議事録(※ 第48回原子力安全基準・指針専門部会 耐震指針検討分科会 速記録)とそれに対応した技術文書の内容(※ 震分第48-6-1号 震分第48-6-2号)を読めば、同委員会自体がまやかしの巣になっていることは容易にわかる。

同氏の問題点を指摘するWikipedia  同氏のブログ→http://takedanet.com/ 

【武田邦彦 (中部大学)氏の水俣病に関するコメント部分 以下】
食の安全・安心 24 ー水銀=








(C) 2007 武田邦彦 (中部大学) 引用はご自由にどうぞ
以上 2011.4.8 現在掲載内容

 ウイキペディアにすでに公開されている内容、またリサイクル問題などでの氏のデータの扱いを見ていると、どうも、氏は自分の文章をフリーにすれば、他人の著作権も無視してよいというお考えのようである。(武田氏に対する抗議活動→ 古紙問題市民ネットワーク  PETボトルリサイクル協議会

▲ページTOPへ 戻る

福島第1原発 最悪レベル7 チェルノブイリに並ぶ
毎日新聞 4月12日(火)11時45分配信







▲ページTOPへ 戻る







・キャスター: 「なぜ今急にレベル5から7へ上がったのでしょうか?」


















 原子力安全委員会が、「3月23日の時点でレベル7に相当するデータをもっていたが」「評価するのは保安院の仕事」(毎日新聞4.13)と、早くも責任逃れを画策している。  一方、原子力委員会の委員長は「絶えずリスクを下げる努力をしながら(推進する)政策を進めていく」(同紙4.13 3面「推進政策変えず」)と発言した。



▲ページTOPへ 戻る



 低線領域におけるホルミシス効果を強調することの問題点について「NPO法人 市民科学研究室」の「低量線被曝研究会」が訳出している論文「低線量放射線被曝のリスクを見直す」 や、「BEIRⅦ報告書 【翻訳】 一般向けの概要」が詳しい。(BEIRV:米国科学アカデミー研究審議会「電離放射線の影響に関する委員会:Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR)」






 そのような「専門家」が、「風評被害対策」の各種メディア企画のなかに、ここぞとばかりに、わき出てきている。その動向を、早晩問題となりえる放射線被曝影響調査(政府が責任をもって実施するのかどうかは不明だが)での後遺障害への補償責任問題に関して、何者かがすでに手を打ち始めている(世論操作)動きかもしれない、と捉えるのは邪推だろうか? すくなくとも森永ヒ素ミルク中毒事件ではそれが国家規模で行われ20年近くにわたって「成功」した。現在では、それがより手の込んだ形で、心理戦の様相を呈しているようにもみえる。

※森永事件初期の大学研究者の問題点については、能瀬英太郎氏の「森永ミルク中毒事件~発生から50年~」(pdf)(link free)にも昨今の事態との類似例が示されている)





 なぜか? これは簡単なマジックで、基本は、調査対象の母集団をどれにするかで桁までが違ってくるのだ。IAEAは、対象者を最初から、除染作業従事者と30キロ圏内、高濃度汚染地域居住者に絞っていて、それに被曝1Svあたりのガン死確率約0.11というものを設定し、予測を計算で出しているのである。そしていうまでもなく、IAEAは、はじめから原子力に好意的な機関である。(原子力にいかに好意的であっても、日本のような地震の巣が集中するバックグラウンドでは原子力には好意的になれないことが今回判明したと思うのだが…)





差別:「弱いものが、さらに弱いものを叩く」 のはなぜか?




 その言説が、もっとも見落としていることは何か? 単純である。かつて、市民団体である森永告発の人々が語っていたことでもあるが、弱い人間ががさらに弱い人間を叩くという悲しい行為の背景には、大きいものへの隷属があるという事実だ。この単純かつ深刻な悲劇から生み出された経験を日本人はいつから忘れてしまったのか? 歴史継承の努力に極めて不熱心で、場当たり的騒動を繰り返しているわが国に特徴的現象である。

再度 「しのびよる御用学者」









表1.チェルノブイリ・フォーラムによる総死者4000 人の内訳
約60 人
放射線急性性障害 134 人のうちの死亡・・・・28 人
急性障害回復者 106 人のその後の死亡・・・・19 人
小児甲状腺ガン約 4000 人のうちの死亡・・・・9 人
3940 人
1986-87 年のリクビダートル20 万人から・・2200 人
事故直後 30km 圏避難民11.6 万人から・・・・140 人
高汚染地域居住者 27 万人から・・・・・・・1600 人



 一次産業を守りたいという良心的な企画に、こっそりと入り込んで、それを自らの言説を広げるチャンスと捉えているのなら、自らの良心に問いかけをし、人間として出直すべきであろう。先日、元阪大のある医者が、お笑いニュース番組に登場し、あからさまに疫学を皮肉りながら「200mSvでもまったく問題ない」と涼しい顔で吹聴している番組を拝見した。いったい誰を相手に、どういう状況下で、どんな制限をつけて言い切っているのか? 世も末というべきか、いやむしろ、森永事件当時の再来だ。

(※ おことわり

▲ページTOPへ 戻る


時事通信 4月28日(木)16時41分配信


浜岡3号機の再開計画 中部電、7月までに
2011年4月28日 07時07分










インタビューに答える米倉弘昌・日本経団連会長=東京都千代田区大手町で2011年4月7日、塩入正夫撮影 日本経済団体連合会の米倉弘昌会長は7日、毎日新聞のインタビューに応じ、東京電力の福島第1原発事故に関する損害賠償問題に関して「東日本大震災が関東大震災の数10倍の規模に上ることも考慮すれば、東電だけに責任を負わせるべきではなく、国が(主導して)損害賠償に対応すべきだ」と述べた。原発事故の賠償を定めた原子力損害賠償法(原賠法)には原子力事業者である電力会社の損害賠償を国が分担したり、肩代わりする規定がある。福島第1原発の事故の被災者が周辺住民や農漁業者など多数にのぼり、損害賠償額が数兆円にのぼる見通し。米倉会長はこの事実も踏まえ、日本経済に不可欠な電力の安定供給体制を維持するため、国による東電支援を求めた形だ。



毎日新聞 2011年4月7日 21時42分(最終更新 4月7日 23時21分)

▲ページTOPへ 戻る


★地震学者が14年前から警告していた「原発震災」という今回の事態 (「想定外」という名の嘘)





  ●石橋氏辞任時の記者向けメモ ●朝日新聞オピニオン掲載記事
  『科学』(岩波書店) Vol.67, No.10 (1997年10月号)

Catastrophic Multiple Disaster of Earthquake and Quake-induced Nuclear Accident Anticipated in the Japanese Islands
Dept. Earth & Planet. Sci., Kobe Univ., Japan
Japanese new wordcoined by Ishibashi (1997)

■石橋克彦氏 (wikipedia ↓)

石橋克彦氏がかつて異議申し立てをした2006年8月28日の原子力安全委員会の議事録(※ 第48回原子力安全基準・指針専門部会 耐震指針検討分科会 速記録)と、それに対応した技術文書のいくつかの内容(※ 震分第48-6-1号 震分第48-6-2号)を読めば、同委員会自体がまやかしの巣になっていることは容易にわかる。

■「NPO法人 市民科学研究室」はずいぶん前から重要な科学的検証作業をしている。
市民科学研究室の「低線量被曝研究会」が訳出している論文「低線量放射線被曝のリスクを見直す」 や、「BEIRⅦ報告書 【翻訳】 一般向けの概要」は貴重かつ注目すべき学術論文である。ぜひご一読願いたい。
(BEIRV:米国科学アカデミー研究審議会「電離放射線の影響に関する委員会:Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR)

http://cnic.jp/  ウイキペディア解説
 2011.3.25 19:00- 日本外国特派員協会 CNIC記者会見







(遠藤暁・広島大学大学院工学研究院  静間清・広島大学大学院工学研究院 菅井益郎・国学院大学 小澤祥司・日本大学生物資源科学部 浦上健司・日本大学生物資源科学部・飯舘村後方支援チーム)
3月28日と29にかけて飯舘村周辺において実施した放射線サーベイ活動の暫定報告(2011年4月4日)   【英語版】pdf

■京都大学原子炉実験所 原子力安全研究グループ






【ご注意】 上掲サイトの「多く寄せられるお問い合わせ等」コーナーでの
日本原子力技術協会最高顧問 石川迪夫氏寄稿(電気新聞記事(2011年3月18日)記事には

(※ 同氏の推論が謝りであったことは、その後の一連の経過と事実で証明された。 6月1日現在記す)

  「21世紀 核時代 負の遺産」

■英国 「The Telegraph」
Japan nuclear plant: Just 48 hours to avoid 'another Chernobyl'

SHOPページ また、明日3月19日(土)発売の集英社『週刊プレイボーイ』の巻頭特集で、福島原発での事故発生直後からの活動を報告しております。福島原発で発生した「原発震災」は今もなお予断を許さない状況が続いておりますが、今後の皆様の行動の一助となれば幸いです。


「放射能溶融と日本の文化 」

↓国と東京電力への抗議文 2011.4.5

▲ページTOPへ 戻る






■文科省 福島第1及び第2原子力発電所周辺の簡易型線量計を用いた固定測定点における積算線量の測定結果

■文科省 福島第1及び第2原子力発電所周辺の放射線量等分布マップ
福島第1及び第2原子力発電所周辺の放射線量等分布マップ[平成23 年4 月24 日時点]  (PDF:726KB)

■気象庁 地震・津波情報
  気象庁パンフレット「地震を知る」 (14.76MB)


(文部科学省 緊急時迅速放射能影響予測ネットワークシステム(SPEEDI)による計算結果











■The Telegraph

Nuclear power is uneconomical. Nuclear power is polluting. Nuclear power is a public health threat.



広瀬隆 「 原子炉時限爆弾 大地震におびえる日本列島 」
ダイヤモンド社 2010年8月26日刊

▲ページTOPへ 戻る

国民の皆様からのご意見募集について(HP入力 及び 郵送・FAX)


▲ページTOPへ 戻る

3.11 東日本大震災


シンガーソングライター関島秀樹 オフィシャルサイト


1979年4月25日「あじさい寺」(テイチク)でレコードデビュー。1981年「風のアルペジオ」(トリオ)。俳優、DJ、レポーター、キャスター、講演等に活動の幅を広げる。現在はシンガーソングライターとして“もっとやさしくたって生きてゆける”を信条に、故郷、家族、心のふれあい、自然や平和をテーマに、ギターの弾き語りを中心に全国でライブを続けている。津波の恐ろしさや命の大切さを子供たちに伝える彼の「稲むらの火」は、スマトラ沖地震復興の際、内閣府から世界に発信された。現在でも、日本各地のコンサートで披露されている。また、太平洋と日本海を桜でつなごうと人生を植樹に捧げたバスの車掌の物語「てんごの夢~桜のように生きた男の物語~」など、夢や希望を失わない元気が出る曲を数多くリリースしている。 島津亜矢の「帰らんちゃよか」を作詞・作曲。2008年、映画「荒木栄の歌が聞こえる」に出演。劇中、荒尾市万田坑で「仲間のうた」を歌っている。
「稲むらの火」 作詞・作曲 関島秀樹(日本語/英語)pdf-file

ヒット曲「帰らんちゃよか」の原曲「生きたらよか」 を歌う関島氏のライブ。

▲ページTOPへ 戻る

A lie called “souteigai”
“souteigai“means the assumption outside or unexpected.

"souteigai" is an act that those who assume a dangerous situation should be excluded.
Museum of Morinaga Arsenic Milk Poisoning Incident.
【English version commentary】Morinaga arsenic milk poisoning incident

【Reference Document】

Contact: Arjun Makhijani: 301-270-5500 (office) or 301-509-6843 (cell)
Post-Tsunami Situation at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
in Japan: Facts, Analysis, and Some Potential Outcomes

Arjun Makhijani 

Takoma Park, Maryland, March 14, 2011 (completed at 11 pm, EDT, March 13, 2011, with notes at 6:30 am March 14 and later revisions): On March 11, 2011, the Fukushima Daiichi and the Fukushima Daini nuclear power plants (or Fukushima for short) experienced a severe earthquake, followed by a tsunami. This analysis relates to the Daiichi plant, which has experienced the more severe problems as of this writing so far as is known (9 p.m. March 13, 2011 Eastern Daylight Time, United States). Power from the grid was lost, and the reactors were successfully shut down as part of the emergency. But power to operate the site was still needed to remove the heat from the reactors. The Daiichi plant has six operating boiling water reactors. The oldest, Unit 1, which appears to have had a partial meltdown of the fuel, first went critical in 1970 (and was connected to the grid in 1971. Unit 3, which also appears to have had similar problems as Unit 1, whose fuel includes mixed plutonium oxide uranium oxide fuel (“MOX fuel”) first went critical in 1976. Both reactors are of the Mark 1 Boiling Water Design. They do not have the sturdy secondary containment buildings of concrete that is several feet thick typical of later reactor designs. (March 14, 6:30 a.m. note: Unit 3 has also experienced an explosion and Unit 2 appears to have lost cooling. The problems described here would likely apply to Unit 3; Unit 2 may be headed to similar problems.)

A special feature of the Mark 1 design is that the used fuel, also called spent fuel, is stored within the reactor building in a swimming pool-like concrete structure near the top of the reactor vessel. When the reactor is refueled, the spent fuel is taken from the reactor by a large crane, transferred to the pool, and kept underwater for a few years. This spent fuel must be kept underwater to prevent severe releases of radioactivity, among other reasons. A meltdown or even a fire could occur if there is a loss of coolant from the spent fuel pool. The water in the spent fuel pool and the roof of the reactor building are the main barriers to release of radioactivity from the spent fuel pool.

An explosion associated with Unit 1 occurred on March 12, at 3:36 p.m. 
(2) At first the authorities stated that this was in the turbine building next to the reactor building. However, it is the reactor building roof and part of the walls near the roof that were completely blown off leaving only a steel skeleton at the top of the building. This indicates an explosion inside the reactor building . probably a hydrogen explosion, since hydrogen is much lighter than air, it would accumulate near the top of the building. The explosion therefore seems to have occurred near the level where the spent fuel pool would be located in a Mark 1 reactor.

While Japanese authorities have stated that the reactor vessel is still intact, there has been no word regarding the status of the spent fuel pool structure, except indirectly (see below). Is it still intact? This is a critical question as to the range of potential consequences of the reactor accident.

Hydrogen is generated in a nuclear reactor if the fuel in the reactor loses its cover of cooling water. The tubes that contain the fuel pellets are made of a zirconium alloy. Zirconium reacts with steam to produce zirconium oxide and hydrogen gas. Moreover, the reaction is exothermic . that is, it releases a great deal of heat, and hence creates a positive feedback that aggravates the problem and raises the temperature. The same phenomenon can occur in a spent fuel pool in case of a loss of cooling water. In addition, there can be a fire. The mechanisms and consequences of such an accident are reasonably well known. A National Research Council of the National Academies study, published in 2006, is worth quoting at length:

The ability to remove decay heat from the spent fuel also would be reduced as the water level drops, especially when it drops below the tops of the fuel assemblies. This would cause temperatures in the fuel assemblies to rise, accelerating the oxidation of the zirconium alloy (zircaloy) cladding that encases the uranium oxide pellets. This oxidation reaction can occur in the presence of both air and steam and is strongly exothermic.that is, the reaction releases large quantities of heat, which can further raise cladding temperatures. The steam reaction also generates large quantities of hydrogen….

These oxidation reactions [with a loss of coolant] can become locally self-sustaining … at high temperatures (i.e., about a factor of 10 higher than the boiling point of water) if a supply of oxygen and/or steam is available to sustain the reactions…. The result could be a runaway oxidation reaction.referred to in this report as a zirconium cladding fire.that proceeds as a burn front (e.g., as seen in a forest fire or a fireworks sparkler) along the axis of the fuel rod toward the source of oxidant (i.e., air or steam)….

As fuel rod temperatures increase, the gas pressure inside the fuel rod increases and eventually can cause the cladding to balloon out and rupture. At higher temperatures (around 1800°C [approximately 3300°F]), zirconium cladding reacts with the uranium oxide fuel to form a complex molten phase containing zirconium-uranium oxide. Beginning with the cladding rupture, these events would result in the release of radioactive fission gases and some of the fuel’s radioactive material in the form of aerosols into the building that houses the spent fuel pool and possibly into the environment. If the heat from one burning assembly is not dissipated, the fire could spread to other spent fuel assemblies in the pool, producing a propagating zirconium cladding fire.

The high-temperature reaction of zirconium and steam has been described quantitatively since at least the early 1960s….

The extent of the release would depend on the severity of loss of coolant, how much spent fuel there is in the pool, and how recently some of it has been discharged. The mechanisms of the accident would be very different than Chernobyl,
(4) where there was also a fire, and the mix of radionuclides would be very different. While the quantity of short-lived radionuclides, notably iodine-131, would be much smaller, the consequences for the long term could be more dire due to long-lived radionuclides such as cesium-137, strontium-90, iodine-129, and plutonium-239. These radionuclides are generally present in much larger quantities in spent fuel pools than in the reactor itself. In light of that, it is remarkable how little has been said by the Japanese authorities about this problem. From the tiny amount of information available, it appears that there is a problem of cooling of the spent fuel. According to a TEPCO press release, issued on March 13, at 9 pm, Japan time:

We are currently coordinating with the relevant authorities and departments as to how to secure the cooling water to cool down the water in the spent nuclear fuel pool.

This indicates that there is a spent fuel cooling problem. But there is no information on how serious it is and whether the pool has been damaged and is leaking. It is reasonable to surmise that pumping seawater into the reactor building from the outside would be directed more at the spent fuel pool than at the reactor. According to TEPCO, the injection of seawater into the reactor vessel of Unit 1 has been successfully done. This also appears to be the case for Unit 3, as of this writing.
(6) Boric acid is being added to the seawater to prevent an accidental criticality, which could happen in the reactor or in the spent fuel pool. Venting of radioactive steam from the reactors will likely have to continue.

It is unclear at this stage whether there has been venting of radionuclides from the spent fuel pool in Unit 1. Venting from the reactor has been acknowledged by the authorities. Rather high levels of radiation, over 1,200 microsieverts per hour
(7) . which is more than 10,000 times natural background radiation at sea-level . have been reported outside the plant. At this level the annual allowable dose of the radiation to the public would be exceeded in less than an hour. Such levels indicate a partial meltdown in Unit 1 and possibly in Unit 3. However, while it seems to be widely assumed that the radioactivity has been emanating only from the reactor vessel (s), it is unclear whether some of it is also being released from the Unit 1 spent fuel pool, which may have been damaged by the explosion.

The consequences of severe spent fuel pool accidents at closed U.S. reactors were studied by the Brookhaven National Laboratory in a 1997 report prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. According to the results, the damages resulting from such accidents for U.S. Boiling Water Reactors could range from $700 million to $546 billion, which would be between roughly $900 million and $700 billion in today’s dollars. The lower figures would apply if there were just one old spent fuel set present in the pool to a full pool in which the spent fuel has been re-racked to maximize storage. Other variables would be whether there was any freshly discharged spent fuel in the pool, which would greatly increase the radioactivity releases. The estimated latent cancer deaths over the years and decades following the accident was estimated at between 1,300 and 31,900 within 50 miles (about 80 kilometers) of the plant and between 1,900 and 138,000 within a radius of 500 miles (about 800 kilometers) from the plant.

The spent fuel pools at the Daiichi reactors contain approximately these amounts: Unit 1, 50 metric tons; Unit 2, 81 metric tons; and Unit 3, 88 metric tons.
(9) No mixed oxide (MOX) spent fuel is in the Unit 3 spent fuel pool. The typical U.S. reactor discharges 20 metric tons of spent fuel per year and stores that on site, in almost all cases, in wet or dry storage. The range of consequences in Japan would be somewhat different from those outlined in the Brookhaven report, since the consequences depend on population density within 50 and 500 miles of the plant, the re-racking policy, and several other variables. It should also be noted that Daiichi Unit 1 is about half the power rating of most U.S. reactors, so that the amount of radioactivity in the pool would be about half the typical amount, all other things being equal. But the Brookhaven study can be taken as a general indicator that the scale of the damage could be vast in the most severe case.

One hopes that the spent fuel pool in Unit 1 can be kept full of water and the various reactors can be kept cool enough to prevent much more serious consequences than have already occurred (there has been serious worker exposure and some public radiation exposure already, according to news reports
(10)). But the accident makes clear that there is ample information and analysis that very graveconsequences are possible from lighter water reactors . which are the designs used in Japan, the United States, and most of the rest of the world. Spent fuel pools have special vulnerabilities that are different in different specific designs, but all possess some risk of severe consequences in worst-case accidents or worst-case terrorist attacks (which were studied by the National Research Council in its 2006 report).

The United States should move as much spent fuel out of the pools as possible into hardened and secure dry storage. The tragedy in Japan is also a reminder that making plutonium and fission products just to boil water (which is what a nuclear reactor does) is not a prudent approach to electricity generation. While existing reactors will be needed to maintain the stability of electricity supply for some time (as is also evident from the earthquake-tsunami catastrophe in Japan), new reactor projects should be halted and existing reactors should be phased out along with coal and oil. It is possible to do so economically in the next few decades, while maintaining the reliability of the electricity system and greatly improving its security, as I have shown in my book Carbon-Free and Nuclear Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy published in 2007, and in subsequent work that can be found on the IEER website, www.ieer.org. Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free can be downloaded free at http://www.ieer.org/carbonfree/CarbonFreeNuclearFree.pdf.

(1) Arjun Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research. He has a Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, where he specialized in nuclear fusion. He was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2007.

(2) Tokyo Electric Power Company, Press Release, “Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (as of 9pm [Japan time] March 13th),” on the web at http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/press/corp-com/release/11031310-e.html. These press releases are referred to below as TEPCO 2011, with the date and time of the press release and the URL provided.

(3) National Research Council, Safety and Security of Commercial Spent Fuel Storage: Public Report. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2006, on the web at http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11263, pp.38-39. This report addressed the issue of terrorist attacks on spent fuel pools and the precautions that might be taken in light of the potential severity of the problem. See below.

(4) The Chernobyl reactor was a very different design . water-cooled and graphite moderated. The reactor itself exploded catastrophically due to a runaway accident in that case. That is not the case at present, where the reactor was shut down successfully almost immediately after the earthquake. At Chernobyl, the graphite caught fire and the fire lasted for ten days. In the case of the most severe spent fuel pool accident, it would be the zirconium that would catch fire, as described by the National Academies study quoted above.

(5) TEPCO Press Release, March 13, 9 pm. on the web at http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/press/corp-com/release/11031312-e.html

(6) TEPCO Press Release, March 13, 9 pm. on the web at http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/press/corp-com/release/11031312-e.html

(7) Hiroko Tabuchi and Matthew L. Wald, “Japanese Scramble to Avert Meltdowns as Nuclear Crisis Deepens After Quake,” New York Times, March 12, 2011, at http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/13/world/asia/13nuclear.html viewed at 8:15 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, March 13, 2011

(8) R.J. Travis, R.E. Davis, E.J. Grove, M.A. Azarm, A Safety and Regulatory Assessment of Generic BWR and PWR Permanently Shutdown Nuclear Power Plants, BNL-NUREG-52498 and NUREG/CR-6451, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1997, link at http://www.osti.gov/bridge/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=510336. Tables 4.1, 4.2.

(9) Aileen Mioko Smith, speaking at the Friends of the Earth press briefing, “Explosion at Japanese Nuclear Facility,” March 14, 2011, links on the web at http://www.foe.org/experts-comment-us-implications-japanese-reactor-crisis, to audio at http://www.foe.org/experts-comment-us-implications-japanese-reactor-crisis.

(10) Hiroko Tabuchi and Matthew L. Wald, “Partial Meltdowns Presumed at Crippled Reactors,” New York Times, March 13, 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/world/asia/14nuclear.html (later called “Second Explosion at Reactor as Technicians Try to Contain Damage”), first viewed at 8:13 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, March 13, 2011.

Corrections made at 11:30 am EDT, March 16, 2011


The Telegraph
Japan nuclear plant: Just 48 hours to avoid 'another Chernobyl'

Japan has 48 hours to bring its rapidly escalating nuclear crisis under control before it faces a catastrophe “worse than Chernobyl”, it was claimed last night.

By Gordon Rayner and Martin Evans 10:52PM GMT 16 Mar 2011
Nuclear safety officials in France said they were "pessimistic" about whether engineers could prevent a meltdown at the Fukushima power plant after a pool containing spent fuel rods overheated and boiled dry.

Last night radiation levels were "extremely high" in the stricken building, which was breached by an earlier explosion, meaning that radiation could now escape into the atmosphere.

Tokyo Electric, the owners of the plant, said five workers had been killed at the site, two were missing and 21 had been injured.

Last night, a US nuclear safety chief said the Japanese government had failed to acknowledge the full seriousness of the situation at the Fukushima plant and that warnings to citizens had been insufficient and understated.

Gregory Jaczko, the chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, warned that if "extremely high" radiation levels increased it would become impossible for workers to continue to take corrective measures at the plant as "the doses they could experience would potentially be lethal doses in a very short period of time".

As Japan resorted to increasingly desperate measures ? including dumping water on the site from helicopters ? there were accusations that the situation was now "out of control".

The Foreign Office responded to the latest developments by advising all British citizens to leave Tokyo ? which is 140 miles south of the plant ? and the whole of northern Japan. The EU has even urged member states to check Japanese food imports for radioactivity.

Emperor Akihito made a rare address to the nation, urging the Japanese to pull together, but hinted at his own fears for the nuclear crisis saying: "I hope things will not get worse." In London, the FTSE?100 share index slumped as news of the latest emergency emerged, closing 1.7 per cent down.

The official death toll from last Friday's earthquake and tsunami stood at 4,314 last night, with another 8,606 listed as missing.

Thousands of people still waiting for food aid in the most remote areas of the disaster zone endured fresh misery yesterday as heavy snow began to fall across northern Japan. But all eyes were on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant as Japanese authorities admitted concerns over rising temperatures in three pools containing spent fuel rods.

A failure of the cooling system that has crippled the entire plant led to water boiling in the No4 pool. Last night the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) said there was no water left in the pool, resulting in "extremely high" radiation levels. An earlier fire and explosion in the No 4 reactor building is thought to have breached the protective walls around the pool. A statement from the USNRC said: "We believe that secondary containment has been destroyed and there is no water in the spent fuel pool and we believe that radiation levels are extremely high which could possibly impact the ability to take corrective measures."

If the water has gone, Mr Jaczko warned, there is nothing to stop the fuel rods from getting hotter and ultimately melting down. The outer shell of the rods could also ignite with enough force to propel the radioactive fuel inside over a wide area.

Jeremy Browne, the Foreign Office minister, said: "There is clearly an evolving situation and things are clearly getting worse at the Fukushima nuclear plant."

Attempts to cool the site by dumping sea water from helicopters had to be aborted at one stage because of dangerous radiation levels in the air above the plant. A police water cannon was brought in to help blast water into the overheating reactors and pools, but there were warnings that it may be too late to prevent a disaster. Thierry Charles, a safety official at France's Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), said: "The next 48 hours will be decisive. I am pessimistic because, since Sunday, I have seen that almost none of the solutions has worked." He described the situation as "a major risk", but added: "All is not lost."

Asked about the maximum possible amount of radioactive release, he said "it would be in the same range as Chernobyl".

The incident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine on April 26 1986 is estimated to have caused 57 direct deaths, with some 4,000 additional deaths from cancer.

Francois Baroin, a French government spokesman, went further, saying: "In the worst of cases, it could have an impact worse than Chernobyl." He added: "They have visibly lost the essential of control."

Malcolm Grimston, a British nuclear expert at the Chatham House think tank, played down suggestions of an impending disaster, saying Fukushima was not like Chernobyl.

"We're nearly five days after the fission process was stopped, the levels of radioactive iodine will only be about two?thirds of where they were at the start, some of the other, very short?lived, very radioactive material will be gone altogether by now," he said.

Earlier, Nathalie Kosciusko?Morizet, France's ecology minister, had said that "the worst scenario is possible and even probable". At one point, radiation levels at the plant rose to such dangerous levels that all workers were evacuated from the site. A 180?strong team was later allowed back to continue attempts to cool the fuel rods, but the government raised the maximum allowable radiation exposure for workers from 100 millisieverts per year to 250, which it said was "unavoidable due to the circumstances".

Yukiya Amano, the International Atomic Energy Agency's director general, said the situation was "very serious". He is flying to Japan today for a first?hand briefing on the crisis.


For further information:
Arjun Makhijani 301-270-5500 (preferred) or (weekend) cell: 301-509-6843
For immediate release: Thursday, April 7, 2011


More Stringent, Coordinated Fukushima Fallout Monitoring Needed
to Determine Radioactive Iodine Risk to U.S. Milk and Water
Food, Water and Air Monitoring Should Continue in Government Shutdown
U.S. Agency Claims on Radiation Danger and Risk Are Contradictory, Misleading

Takoma Park, Maryland - Total releases of radioactive iodine-131 and cesium-137 from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi reactors in Japan now appear to rival Chernobyl. As a result, there is now fallout through the northern hemisphere, with hot spots appearing due to rain. For instance, rainwater in Boise, Idaho, on March 22, 2011, was reported by the Environmental Protection Agency at 242 picocuries per liter, about 80 times the U.S. drinking water standard if the level persisted for a prolonged time. The drinking water standard is a common reference number for water purity, even if the water is not used for drinking.
Preliminary risk calculations on the March 22, 2011, rainout event in Boise indicate that the risk from a single such event would be low, even if cows were mostly getting their feed from outdoor grazing, which may not have been the case. However, government agency measurements of milk contamination are limited and appear to be uncoordinated.

Ingesting milk contaminated with iodine-131 increases the risk of contracting thyroid cancer, especially for female infants. A low dose would produce a low risk; the risk increases proportionally to the dose.

"We don't have data on iodine-131 levels in milk samples taken from the same areas where polluted rain fell," said
Dr. Arjun Makhijani, IEER's president. "Such information is important for making reliable estimates of radiation dose and risk. We must ensure that fallout is not rising to levels that could repeat even a small part of the tragedy associated with atmospheric nuclear weapons testing in Nevada during the 1950s and 1960s."

IEER recommended that government actions should include:

Designating water, food, and air radiation measurements as an emergency function to be kept operational in the event of a federal government shutdown due to lack of a budget resolution.
Making coordinated measurements of Fukushima fallout in air, rainwater, milk, and drinking water, and making these data immediately available on a public web site. Air measurements should include results from charcoal filters or canisters to ensure that the gaseous forms of iodine-131 are captured.
Coordinating measurements of rainwater with weather patterns and estimated arrival of fallout from Japan over the United States, and making these data available in as close to real time as possible, on a public web site.
Advising those who might be using rainwater for drinking purposes by publication of rainout maps with iodine-131 data.
Developing contingency plans for advising farmers in case high milk contamination levels are anticipated. Such plans may include of sheltering animals and feeding them stored, uncontaminated grain and hay so that clean milk can be produced in the event of greater fallout than has been reported so far.
Publication of the protocol used for sampling air, water, and milk.
Use of consistent risk statements based on the 2006 risk study by the National Academies


"It is lamentable that the U.S. government is not speaking with a coherent, science-based voice on the risks of radiation," said Dr. Makhijani. "There is no safe level of radiation exposure in the sense of zero risk. Period.

This has been repeatedly concluded by official studies, most recently a 2006 study done by the National Academies.

Yet there is no shortage of unfortunate official statements on radiation that may seek to placate the public about 'safe' levels of radiation, but actually undermine confidence."

As an example, IEER cited a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that "In general, a yearly dose of 620 millirem from all radiation sources has not been shown to cause humans any harm." (http://www.nrc.gov/about-nrc/radiation/around-us/doses-daily-lives.html).
This annual dose includes medical uses of radiation, including CAT scans, and other voluntary exposures, from which people get some benefits. It also includes indoor radon, which the EPA estimates "is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.... Overall, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer [after smoking]. Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. About

2,900 of these deaths occur among people who have never smoked." (http://www.epa.gov/radon/healthrisks.html).

"While the NRC is saying the 620 millirem a year on average has not been shown to cause harm, the EPA is saying that only about one-third of this total average annual dose attributable to indoor radon, is responsible for thousands of cancer deaths every year," said Dr. Makhijani. "The NRC statement is an appalling misrepresentation of the science that underlies its own regulations as well as published statements on radon risks by the EPA. Using the

2006 National Academies risk estimates for cancer, 620 millirem per year to each of the 311 million people in the United States would eventually be associated with about 200,000 cancers each year; about half of them would be fatal."

Dr. Makhijani continued, "The largest risks by far are in Japan; the risks from Fukushima in the United States, based on the limited data so far, appear to be very low at the individual level. But they are being experienced by large populations, as they were during Chernobyl fallout. More intensive measurements, a frank portrayal of both individual and population risks, for children and adults using National Academies risk numbers, and prompt publication are essential. If the government does not provide accurate, science-based, trustworthy information, how can people make well-informed decisions for themselves and their families at a confusing time?"



Counterpoint: It's Time to Close the Chapter on U.S. Nuclear Power
.Christina Mills April 1, 2011 ..

While the events unraveling at the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactors have sparked the debate on the merits of nuclear power, the history of the nuclear industry demonstrates that economic, environmental, and humanitarian risks are unavoidable with a technology that creates plutonium and other highly radioactive materials just to boil


Is it practical?
Nuclear power is too expensive and too risky. Nuclear power is a “bet the company” risk that has a track record of cost-overruns, rate hikes, and bond defaults which led Forbes in the 80s to call nuclear power “the largest managerial disaster in history.”

Three characteristics of nuclear power exacerbate these risks. First, the capital costs are high ? current estimates are around $8 to 10 billion per reactor. Second, nuclear reactors often cost more than the entire company is worth. And lastly, it takes years, if not decades, to build a nuclear reactor, even in a best-case scenario.

This “nuclear power triple threat” requires significant financial outlay, with assurances for and commitment to a large, central power source ? all before the facility even produces one electron.

Wall Street refuses to risk investor money in nuclear power projects, so the only reactors that are currently moving forward rely on federal loan guarantees, or advance payments from ratepayers (as is already happening in places like Georgia and Florida), or both. And even then it’s not always enough. Last year in Maryland,

Constellation Energy pulled out of a proposed nuclear reactor project even after having been offered a $7.5 billion loan guarantee by the federal government. The reason? They felt the $880 million price tag of the guarantee was too onerous.

Is it reliable?

Nuclear power is not a flexible source of electricity. With fears of climate change, nuclear power is often touted as a necessary “base load” facility, which is just a fancy way of saying it is most efficient when operating at full capacity, 24 hours a day. Building these types of facilities require knowing, with certainty, what the need for electricity will be in 8-10 years ? very difficult in today’s unstable economy ? and, in effect, another gamble on top of a big bet. This is not the case for rapidly deployable wind or solar power. Plus the growth rate of electricity per unit of economic growth is only about one fourth the level of 1973 ? the same year that the last nuclear reactor completed in the U.S. was ordered.

What's the environmental cost?

Nuclear power is not a “clean” source of electricity. Mining uranium for reactor fuel has hugely harmful effects on the environment. In addition, the lifecycle of a nuclear reactor requires huge amounts of water, a resource that is more uncertain with larger weather fluctuations in many regions. About 10 to 20 million gallons are evaporated daily to operate a typical nuclear reactor.

It is possible to have a carbon-free nuclear-free electricity system that will reliably, efficiently, and cost-effectively keep our lights on. Studies show that if the wind isn’t blowing here, it’s probably blowing somewhere over there. Similarly, the sun often complements wind and is present during much of the peak period, such as hot summer afternoons. Wind energy is already an economically competitive source of electricity and is typically cheaper than nuclear, even with storage costs. The U.S. Dept. of Energy expects solar power to be cost-competitive by 2015. It will take time to make the change, but there is no need to build any more coal or nuclear plants to meet U.S. electricity needs.

What about the social and humanitarian costs?

Accidents are rare but the risks are huge. The events in Japan show that accidents, while mercifully rare, can cost hundreds of billions of dollars. An upper limit of about $700 billion in today’s dollars was estimated as the cost of a worst case U.S. spent fuel accident in a 1997 study by the Brookhaven National Laboratory. But the industry is only required to insure up to about $11 billion, leaving taxpayers on the hook for the rest of the possible damages. It is unclear when the federal government will meet their 1998 obligation to provide a repository for nuclear spent fuel, leaving over 70,000 tons of radioactive nuclear waste scattered across the country with no clear plan to dispose of it. The amount is projected to increase to well over 100,000 tons in the next 20 years. It will likely remain on site for decades, meaning continued risks of severe accidents or terrorist attacks.

Is it safe?

In addition to susceptibility to severe accidents and terrorist attacks, nuclear power is a proliferation risk.

Plutonium is a byproduct of all nuclear reactors and remains in the spent fuel. Reprocessing (sometimes mislabeled “recycling”) this waste actually creates weapons-usable plutonium, if it is separated, as France is doing. The technology and skills overlap between nuclear weapons and nuclear power, while not complete, is very large.

Nuclear weapons proliferation risks are inherent in nuclear power.Given the checkered past, the potential for significant harm, and the availability of clean, renewable energy technologies, it is time to close the chapter on nuclear power by phasing out existing ones instead of building new ones. We don’t need the financial and environmental risks that nuclear power imposes on ourselves and generations to come. The future is in our hands ? and it’s full of solar panels.

To learn more, visit Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER).

Point: Nuclear Power is Our Best Energy Solution for a Better Tomorrow.
Christina Mills is staff scientist and policy analyst with the Institute for Energy and Environmental Institute (IEER), a nonprofit, nonpartisan technical institute based in Takoma Park, Maryland. She is a licensed attorney and telecommutes from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

energy NOW !

video: Carbon and Nuclear Free in 40 Year?


CREATED 03.26.11REPORTER Tyler SuitersArjun Makhijani, President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental

Research, believes the U.S. can get rid of nuclear and high-carbon fossil fuels within 40 years. In this interview with Chief Correspondent Tyler Suiters, he talks about his plan.

Makhijani says it can't be done overnight, but the dangerous or high emitting plants can be phased out. He says he got the idea from his friend and mentor, David Freeman, for former head of the Tennessee Valley Authority, who once advocated getting rid of nuclear, coal and oil and converting entirely to solar.

Skeptical at first, but Makhijani did a study of all technology to find out of the plan was technically or economically feasible. But to his surprise, he found that over 40 years, the U.S. could afford to phase out all energy sources that he says most people consider controversial -- a threat to the climate or public safety.


Energy Now is a new half-hour weekly TV news-magazine and opinion program designed to inform and engage Americans on the most pressing energy issues of the day. It was created in response to two overlapping crises.
First, America’s energy future is at a crossroads. The country faces multiple far reaching challenges that are both urgent and complex.
These include: addressing America’s unsustainable dependence on imported oil; meeting the need for reliable and affordable electricity under tightening environmental constraints (e.g., smog and greenhouse gas emission limits); winning the global race for clean energy jobs and investment -- that is, for leadership of the next “industrial revolution;” and ensuring that our energy resources are used as wisely and efficiently as possible.
How these issues are resolved will have a very large impact on America’s future place in the world -- its national security and the economic well-being of its citizens -- for decades to come.
Second, even as the country begins to confront these challenges, many people find that in-depth, scientifically grounded reporting on the key energy and environmental issues of the day is hard to find, particularly on TV and the Internet.
As President Obama recently put it at the annual dinner for the White House press corps:
Today's technology has made it possible for us to get our news and information from a growing range of sources. We
can pick and choose not only our preferred type of media, but also our preferred perspective. And while that exposes us to an unprecedented array of opinions, analysis, and points of view, it also makes it that much more important that we're all operating on a common baseline of facts.
That type of common factual denominator, the President implied, is falling by the wayside.

The Mission of Energy Now

Energy Now was created to use the latest television and digital media tools to fill this reporting gap on critical energy issues.
The program will focus primarily on the key challenges described above ? oil dependency, the future course of the electric power sector, leading the clean tech revolution and energy efficiency. The successful resolution of these issues is central to America’s future. Energy Now! will cover them week-in and week-out with the substantive and original journalism that these issues demand. And Energy Now! will put these issues into perspective, making them relatable to its viewers and focusing its reporting on how they impact our lives now and in the future.
From time to time, we will also address other subjects injected into the news cycle that influence the energy debate, such as international developments in Asia or the Middle East that affect U.S. energy options. In so doing, however, we will always keep our principal subject matter focus in mind.
Our reporting adheres to our energyNOW! News Standards and the ethical standards adopted by the Society of Professional Journalists. We disclose our sources wherever possible, per our Disclosure Policy, including the interests that sources represent.
We will pay attention to what happens in Washington, D.C. and foreign capitals -- after all, climate change and clean tech are global challenges. But we will also make sure that our news teams fan out across America, because we know that the solutions to the energy challenges we face are as likely to emerge first in the market place, before state legislatures, public utility commissions and town halls, as on Capitol Hill. That is why we will also stay connected to local businesses, energy consumers, entrepreneurs and research labs, and we will visit America’s drilling sites, wind farms and filling stations.In addition to reporting, we will also seek out informed opinion and commentary from a wide variety of sources.
These opinion pieces will be appropriately distinguished from news stories.
We expect that invited commentary ? including studio roundtables, debates, guest editorials and viewer opinions ?
will become an important part of our program. Together we hope that our news and commentary will fuel a vibrant, engaged community around Energy Now.

Energy Now Web Site
We aim to make our web site a central and equal partner of the Energy Now TV show. Our web site will be used to extend the scope of our original reporting. It will also offer previews of our weekly show and 7x24 Internet access to past programs. We will use our website to build communities and to provide an interactive destination for public discussion and commentary on the energy issues covered by the show.
Consistent with our goal of contributing to the global dialog on energy and the environment, all of the programming created by Energy Now is provided to you under a Creative Commons copyright license. With this license, we encourage you ? and give you the legal right ? to post Energy Now videos to other websites, share them with others, and incorporate our reporting into your discussions and debates on these critical issues. In return, we ask that you attribute our work to us, use it for noncommercial purposes, and share it without altering it.

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The program will provide on-air and/or online disclosures regarding the relevant financial interests and/or affiliations, including lobbying registrations, of major guests and interview subjects.
It is against the journalistic policy of Energy Now to provide financial or other compensation to any guest who appears in a news segment of the program. Persons who are invited to provide opinion or commentary on a regular basis may be compensated for their services.

Andrew Heyward, former president of CBS News, serves as our independent ombudsman. The ombudsman has been established to monitor the program’s editorial charter on an ongoing basis. The ombudsman is authorized to review, investigate, mediate and opine on relevant matters that may be raised by the program’s staff, on-air guests, and TV and online audiences. The ombudsman is also encouraged to disseminate the results of his or her work on the program’s web site in an appropriate way.

Program Funding
Initial funding for Energy Now! is provided by the American Clean Skies Foundation (ACSF), a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization based in Washington D.C. Funding for ACSF is provided, in part, by Chesapeake Energy Corporation.
Additional underwriting for Energy Now! will be announced in connection with the national roll out of Energy Now!
in 2011.


National Journal

Monday, March 21, 2011
How does Japan's Crisis Affect America's Nuclear Industry?

By Amy Harder


Just like the disasters at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, Japan's crisis has exposed the great risks associated with nuclear power. In light of the catastrophe, other countries, including China and Germany are delaying construction of new reactors.
Are those actions warranted? Should the United States place a moratorium on new plants that could be at risk of major natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis? What, if anything, should the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission do to reexamine the safety standards for all U.S. reactors and reassure policymakers and the American public? What lessons can we learn from Japan's crisis?

U.S. Response Lags Behind Germany, China
By Arjun Makhijani

President, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research

“The terrible Japanese accident should cause a serious and substantial timeout for nuclear power. Germany and China are taking actions that are prudent. The United States response so far has been vague other than the study ordered by President Obama with a so-far undefined charter and a review of seismic.
A study is all to the good, but we already have studies that indicate steps to greatly reduce some of the most serious risks. A 1997 Brookhaven National Laboratory Study concluded that the damage from spent fuel pools at closed boiling water reactors could range from $700 million up to $546 billion (yes, billion) ? or up to about $700 billion in today’s dollars. But the NRC did not order that these spent fuel pools be emptied. A 2006 National Academies study, examining risk to spent fuel pools from terrorist attacks, estimated that the very scenario know unfolding horrifically in Japan could happen here and recommended that spent fuel pools be emptied as much as possible and the fuel rods put into dry storage (fresh spent fuel must be kept underw...

“The terrible Japanese accident should cause a serious and substantial timeout for nuclear power. Germany and China are taking actions that are prudent. The United States response so far has been vague other than the study ordered by President Obama with a so-far undefined charter and a review of seismic.

A study is all to the good, but we already have studies that indicate steps to greatly reduce some of the most serious risks. A 1997 Brookhaven National Laboratory Study concluded that the damage from spent fuel pools at closed boiling water reactors could range from $700 million up to $546 billion (yes, billion) ? or up to about $700 billion in today’s dollars. But the NRC did not order that these spent fuel pools be emptied. A 2006 National Academies study, examining risk to spent fuel pools from terrorist attacks, estimated that the very scenario know unfolding horrifically in Japan could happen here and recommended that spent fuel pools be emptied as much as possible and the fuel rods put into dry storage (fresh spent fuel must be kept underwater for a few years so pools at operating plants cannot be completely emptied until a few years after the reactor ceases operation). The NRC has also refused to implement that advice as well. It seems reluctant to impose these costs on nuclear utilities, even though they would greatly reduce the risk of meltdowns and fires and also the consequences of potential accidents or attacks, should they happen, and even though nuclear power plants are mostly depreciated cash cows for their owners ? costly to build, relatively cheap to operate.

A study may indentify other measures, such as shoring up seismic defenses at some plants, but the ordering dry storage, in hardened configuration, of all spent fuel at closed power plants, as Germany has done for some time, and implementing the same for as much spent fuel as possible at operating power plants.”


The New York Times

Confidence Slips Away as Japan Battles Nuclear Peril

TOKYO -After workers switched on the first set of control room lights at Japan’s crippled power plant in Fukushima last week, the Japanese government offered its strongest assurances yet that its nuclear crisis was close to being under control.

Heroic workers and firefighters continued to cool the volatile reactors by pumping in hundreds of tons of water a day. Much-awaited electricity had reached the plant after a rush to extend new power lines, ready to hook up to vital cooling systems and guide the plant to a long-term “cold shutdown.”

But less than a week later, a deluge of contaminated water, plutonium traces in the soil and an increasingly hazardous environment for workers at the plant have forced government officials to confront the reality that the emergency measures they have taken to keep nuclear fuel cool are producing increasingly dangerous side effects. And the prospect of restoring automatic cooling systems anytime soon is fading.

The recent flow of bad news from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station has undermined the drumbeat of optimistic statements by government and company officials who have at times tried to reassure a nervous public that significant progress is at hand ? only to come up short.
“The earthquake, tsunami and the ensuing nuclear accident may be Japan’s largest-ever crisis,” the Japanese prime minister, Naoto Kan, told Parliament on Tuesday, in his most sober message to date on the nuclear crisis. “We find ourselves in a situation where we can’t let down our guard. We will continue to handle it in a state of maximum alert.”

The setbacks have raised questions about how long, and at what cost, Japan can keep up what experts call its “feed and bleed” strategy of cooling the reactor’ fuel rods with emergency infusions of water from the ocean and now from freshwater sources.

That cooling strategy, while essential to prevent full meltdowns, has released harmful amounts of radioactive steam into the atmosphere and set off leaks of highly contaminated water, making it perilous for some of the hundreds of workers at the plant to further critical repair work.

Moreover, the discovery of radioactive elements that experts say could come only from the core of a reactor suggest that the government’s strategy may not be working and that partial fuel melting has not been completely halted.

The continuing crisis also underscores the unprecedented scale and complexity of the problems facing Fukushima: a plant ravaged by a magnitude-9.0 earthquake and 45-foot tsunami, and three reactors and four spent fuel pools with no proper cooling system yet and containing more long-lived radioactivity than the Chernobyl reactor, according to the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, based in Takoma Park, Md.

This is why, despite the damage caused by the efforts so far, Japanese officials have little choice but to continue down the feed-and-bleed path. “The worst-case scenario is that a meltdown makes the plant’s site a permanent grave,” said Tetsuo Iguchi, a professor in the department of quantum engineering at Nagoya University. “In a small island nation like Japan, that’s just not an option. That is why the government is trying to prevent a meltdown at any cost.”

The events have been a quick turn for the worse for the Japanese government. Just last week, officials at Tokyo Electric Power Company, the Fukushima Daiichi plant’s operator, repeatedly hailed the extension of electrical wires to the plant, spoke of resuming electrically operated cooling systems and offered assurances that the situation would not get worse.

But late last week, three workers in a building next to Reactor No. 3 were injured when they stepped in contaminated water. Radioactive water was later discovered at two other reactors, making some areas of the reactor buildings dangerous for workers to approach.

Some of that water in the reactor structures also appears to be leaking out through damaged pipes or vessels, forming highly contaminated pools at the bottom of the turbine buildings adjacent to the reactors. On Tuesday, workers were forced to divert their attention to readying sandbags and pumps after the contaminated water was discovered in a tunnel leading close to the sea.

Compounding the matter, the government said Tuesday that the recent discovery of plutonium in the soil at the plant provided new evidence that at least one reactor was experiencing melting of its nuclear fuel, as happened in the early days of the crisis.

While the source of the plutonium found at the plant was unclear, all three kinds of nuclear fuel at the complex could leak plutonium.

Fresh signs of radiation leaks have raised questions about the sustainability of the government’s feed-and-bleed approach.

One major problem, said Murray E. Jennex, an associate professor at San Diego State University with 20 years of experience in examining nuclear containment structures, was that all the water the Japanese were spraying had soaked important machinery like generators and pumps, further hampering efforts to restore the reactors’ electricity supply. The use of helicopters in the first week to drop water on the rectors from above was especially ineffective in hitting the target and may have done more harm than good, he said.

“They dumped water all over the place,” he said. “They keep on generating more contamination. That’s the consequence of doing it. They got water on things that shouldn’t be wet.”

Hiroto Sakashita, an associate professor in nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics at Hokkaido University, said that though the fuel rods in the nuclear reactors had already lost over 99 percent of their heat, they were still giving off enough heat to evaporate an estimated 200 tons of water a day.

And the remaining heat, from isotopes with long half-lives, will take years to cool. “They will just have to keep on pouring and pouring,” Mr. Sakashita said, “but contaminated water will keep leaking out.”

“Handling this situation is getting increasingly difficult,” he said.

Another hurdle workers face, of course, is to keep pumping enough water to cool the fuel rods, while at the same time trying to minimize the overflow of contaminated water. Tokyo Electric is also struggling to replace workers at the crippled plant, who must be cycled out as they approach a cumulative radiation exposure limit set by the Japanese government.

The company is leaning on its contractors to provide more workers, sometimes offering many times normal wages for the increasing risks of working at Fukushima, according to local news reports.

The risks that Japan could export its nuclear problems by allowing radioactive contaminants to get into the air and sea are among the reasons why the government and Tokyo Electric have enlisted the help of experts from France, the United States and elsewhere to make sure conditions do not spiral out of control.

On Tuesday, Peter B. Lyons, a senior United States nuclear energy official, said the Energy Department was preparing a shipment to Japan of radiation-hardened robots, and the personnel to demonstrate how to use them.

In an admission of how long the cooling process may take, Hidehiko Nishiyama, deputy director general of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Japan’s nuclear regulator, said late Tuesday: “We will have to continue cooling for quite a long period. We should be thinking years.”

Kuni Yogo, a former atomic energy policy planner in the Japan Science and Technology Agency, said: “There is some trial and error, but this is the beginning of a three- to five-year effort.”

Matthew L. Wald contributed reporting from Washington.


Light and Water in Fukushima

Mar. 29, 2011:

Issues of Water and Light in the Turbine Buildings at Fukushima Daiichi (Available in Japanese below)

Arjun Makhijani

Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi plant have been trying to reestablish electricity connections to pumps so as to restart the cooling system for the reactors at the plant. According to news reports, two of the major obstacles have been? a high radiation environment (on the order of 1,000 millisieverts per hour) due to contaminated water on the floor of the turbine buildings, and? a lack of light in the turbine buildings, which has forced the electricians to work in the dark.

The combination of these two factors has made it exceedingly difficult to accomplish the objective and has so far frustrated it. Pumping water out of the reactor buildings has not been possible since there are no empty tanks on site of sufficient capacity to hold the water, which is too contaminated to be pumped into the ocean. Recent
reports indicate that the water is also leaking out of the building on to the site, further contaminating the working environment and complicating efforts to bring the problem of cooling the reactors and spent fuel pools under control.

It is extremely difficult to suggest possible courses of action from afar; yet sometimes, the ability to bring the experience of other localities and technological challenges to bear on a problem may be helpful. In this spirit, we put forward a suggestion in the hope that it might be considered by those on site who are struggling with the very difficult and complex effort to bring seven major sources of radioactivity under control (three reactors and four spent fuel pools). The suggestions presented here may or may not be suitable courses of action. However, they may be worthy of consideration after which the authorities may decide whether they merit implementation or suggest alternative approaches. It should be understood explicitly, that we are not recommending that the steps outlined below be implemented, since we are not in a position to evaluate the various possible safety and feasibility issues associated with them. The responsibility for making and implementing decisions belongs fully and solely to the

Japanese government’s safety authorities and the Tokyo Electric Power Company.

A. Light

Punching holes into the roof of the turbine buildings (with due consideration to the hydrogen that may be in them) could provide an initial amount of light, which would enable much more work to be done in the 15 minutes to which workers are limited under the current radiation conditions (according to news reports). At that point, explosion-proof lights using small external generators could also be introduced into the buildings through the holes in the roof to further facilitate work. Any increased radioactivity in the atmosphere outside the turbine building is likely to be very minor compared to the radioactivity on site already, and puncturing the roof will reduce radiation doses greatly once the leakage onto the site is stopped and the water in the building evacuated. Any increased radiation will also likely be temporary since this method will facilitate the removal of water in the building provided the pumping is maintained while the source of the leak is being repaired (if possible).

B. Pumping out water

It is suggested that an empty oil tanker of sufficient size to accommodate the accumulated water and that anticipated to leak into the turbine buildings in the coming period be brought as close to the site as possible. (Alternatively, two tankers may provide a more flexible arrangement, since one could carry water away for unloading into tanks elsewhere in Japan.) The radioactive water can be pumped into the tanker, which can serve as a floating tank. Fresh water to cool the reactors and spent fuel pools is already being brought to site by U.S. barges. This would be the reverse of the process. Of course, it is recognized that the vessel would probably have to be written off, but in the scheme of damages that have already occurred and that may occur if the regular cooling system is not made functional soon, it would seem that this may not a major consideration. Since the water is extremely radioactive, pumping out water and putting it in a ship’s hold (like putting it in a tank on land) will involve some hazards that the authorities should evaluate and take the necessary precautions. For instance, there could be residual radioactive noble gases in the water; it is established that there are volatile radionuclides, notably iodine-131. Other iodine isotopes may also be present. Appropriate arrangements to protect workers pumping the water and those managing the filling of the holds on board, such as venting of the holds, should be made. Finally, given that the water contains a significant concentration of long-lived cesium-137, we stress that it should not be discharged into the ocean, into any other body of water, or onto land; neither should it be injected into the ground. It should be held in large tanks away from the site that are appropriately seismically qualified and checked regularly. The water should be held until all the short-lived radionuclides are decayed away so that the rest can be captured, for instance by ion exchange in resins, as is done with reactor primary water.

C. Conclusion

It appears urgent to devise ways of lighting the turbine building at least by daylight and preferably also by electric explosion-proof lamps. The suggestions above are for consideration and evaluation by the Japanese governmental authorities and by TEPCO. They are not recommendations for action, but could provide ideas that might be useful in an extremely difficult and dangerous situation; they may also be rejected if found unsafe or unsuitable for any reason. The responsibility for evaluation and implementation rests, of course, entirely with the Japanese governmental authorities and with TEPCO who may accept, reject, or modify them as appropriate. Our only desire is to be helpful at a very difficult time for the Japanese people and for the workers and managers who are trying their best to manage the unprecedented nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

This paper was reviewed by Dr. Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress and Dr. Patricia Lewis. I am grateful for their helpful comments. As the author, I alone take responsibility for its final contents and any deficiencies that remain.

Arjun Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (www.ieer.org)

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Arjun Makhijani







タービン建屋の屋根に複数の穴を開ける(建屋内にありうる水素に十分留意した上で)ことで採光が可能になり、(報道によると)現在の放射線の状況下で許されている15分という作業時間でも、かなり仕事がはかどる。その時点で、屋根の穴を通して、小型の外部発電機を使って防爆性照明を導入できればさらに仕事はしやすくなるだろう。大気中に放出する放射線は増えるが、すでに敷地内にある放射線に比べたら大した問題にはならないだろう. また、いったん敷地内への水漏れが止まり建屋内の水も除去されれば、屋根に開いている穴が放射線量を大きく抑えることになるだろう。この方法は建屋内の水の除去を容易化するため、水漏れの元を修理(それが可能なら)している間もポンプ排水が続くのであれば、放射線の増加も一時的なものになるだろう。










UPDATE (March 29, APJ Editors)

While taking care to downplay the possibility of a Chernobyl-like explosion and dispersion of radiation, The Guardian quotes scientists and observers who believe that a meltdown has already taken place at Fukushima.
Richard Lahey, head of safety research at GE when the Fukushima reactors were installed, is quoted as saying, "The reason we are concerned is that they are detecting water outside the containment area that is highly radioactive and it can only have come from the reactor core. It's not going to be anything like Chernobyl, where it went up with a big fire and steam explosion, but it's not going to be good news for the environment."



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アージュン・マキジャーニ(電話番号301-270-5500か、週末は携帯へ 301-509-6843)

For Immediate Release Friday, March 25, 2011
Institute Calls for More Intensive Contingency Planning by Japanese Authorities;U.S. Should Move as Much Spent Fuel as Possible to Dry Storage to Reduce Most Severe Risks and Suspend Licensing and Relicensing during Review

プレス・リリース 2011年3月25日

Takoma Park, Maryland ? The damaged Fukushima Daiichi reactors in Japan continue to release radioactivity into the atmosphere. So far, the accident has released far more radioactivity than the 1979 Three Mile Island (TMI) accident. While Chernobyl had one source of radioactivity, its reactor, there are seven leaking radiation sources at the Japanese site. Together, the three damaged reactors and four
spent fuel pools at Fukushima Daiichi contain far more long-lived radioactivity, notably cesium-137, than the Chernobyl reactor.

メリーランド州タコマ・パーク発 ―損傷した日本の福島第一原発の原子炉は大気中に放射線を発し続けている。現時点で、事故は1979年のスリーマイル島(TMI)事故を大きく上回る放射線を出した。チェルノブイリは放射線を出す元は1か所の原子炉だけであったが、日本の事故現場では7カ所から放射線が出ている。損傷を受けた3つの原子炉と4つの使用済み燃料プールは、チェルノブイリの原子炉に比べ、特にその影響が長引くセシウム137を含む。

The French radiation protection authority, Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN), estimates the radioactive releases of iodine-131 in Japan had reached about 2.4 million curies by March 22, 2011. That is about 160,000 times the best estimate of the amount released during the TMI accident in Pennsylvania (15 curies) and about 140,000 times the maximum estimate of 17 curies. It is about 10 percent of the estimated amount released during the Chernobyl accident, according to the IRSN.


Combined cesium-134 (half-life: about 2 years) and cesium-137 (half life: about 30 years) releases from Fukushima are estimated at about half-a-million curies, about 10 percent of estimated Chernobyl cesium releases. The TMI accident did not emit measurable amounts of radioactive cesium, according to the presidential commission that investigated the accident.


“This accident has long since passed the level of Three Mile Island,” said Dr. Arjun Makhijani, president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER). “While the releases are still considerably below Chernobyl, they have already reached a level that could affect the region around the site for a prolonged period.

It is simply a fantasy and highly misleading for the official accident level to remain at level 5, given the estimated radioactivity releases and the extended evacuation, contamination of food and water, and other countermeasures that have already been ordered by the government.”


The primary risk of concern with iodine-131 is thyroid cancer, with children more at risk than adults. A high enough intake of iodine-131 by children can also cause developmental problems and other thyroid diseases. Young girls are at greater risk than boys. Female infants have a risk of thyroid cancer 70 times greater than adult males for the same radiation exposure. Some iodine-131 deposits on land, including pastures.


When contaminated grass is eaten by cows and goats, iodine-131 concentrates in milk. It has a half-life of about eight days, meaning that appreciable amounts will remain in the environment for a few months after large releases.
Cesium-137 will take a few hundred years to decay to very low levels. Some cesium-137 from atmospheric testing in the 1950s and 1960s is still present in soil all over the world. It causes all types of radiogenic cancers since it distributes itself all over the body, like potassium. Cesium-137 contamination is the main reason that a huge exclusion zone (about 1,000 square miles) still needs to be maintained around Chernobyl.


The radioactive fallout from the damaged Fukushima reactors has already covered substantial parts of Honshu, Japan’s main island. Japanese officials have warned citizens against consuming 11 types of vegetables found to have higher than the legal levels of radioactivity, as well as milk from regions near the plant. They have urged residents to avoid giving tap water to children and infants.


Despite these warnings, authorities in Japan have not been forthcoming about the actual levels of radioactive releases, which according to some reports are grave enough that additional, immediate public protection is necessary. The large radioactivity releases, large evacuation zone, and extensive contamination of food and water indicate that it should be raised to level 6, which is also the evaluation of the French and U.S. authorities. This would give a more realistic picture to the public in Japan and allow for appropriately intensified contingency planning.


Efforts to stabilize the damaged reactors have only been partly successful; cooling with seawater may have created its own problems. A significant blockage of the space between the fuel rods with salt deposits could slow cooling water flow even if fresh water can be pumped in. The re-start of normal pumping faces formidable technical and safety problems.


“Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Japanese government must inform the public of their estimates of the releases so far and the potential scale of additional releases, provide updates that are as complete as possible, and create appropriate contingency plans for the public.”


Last week, IEER noted that damages from severe spent fuel accidents in the U.S. could range from $900 million to $700 billion (http://www.ieer.org/comments/Daiichi-Fukushima-reactors_IEERstatement.pdf ). Vermont Yankee, for example, contains more spent fuel in its pool than all four stricken pools at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Yet the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has not ordered any additional actions
to protect this material.


“The Nuclear Regulatory Commission should order all aged spent fuel in the U.S. to be moved from pools to hardened dry storage,” said Dr. Makhijani. “It should suspend all licensing and relicensing proceedings until the long-term safety review is complete. It should also review the nearly certified reactor designs, like the AP1000. It is lamentable that the NRC extended the license of the Vermont Yankee reactor, which is the same design as the stricken Fukushima units, while the Japanese crisis is still going on and there has been no time to learn its lessons. I am shocked the NRC did not even order the emptying of all of Vermont Yankee’s older spent fuel into dry cask storage, as a condition of the license extension.”

(Translated by Satoko Norimatsu)

1 この注釈は日本語版作成にあたり日本の読者にわかりやすいようにIEERと相談した上で訳者が付けている。この数値はフランスのIRSNの推計

2 この部分の引用は、原文では誰が言ったかの記述がなかったので、IEERに、マキジャーニ博士の発言であると確認を取った。

Kyodo News Service Op ed by Arjun Makhijani ? Japanese version

2011年03月21日 17:43:06 共A3T0372企画067S

燃料プールはテロに脆弱 米は新炉の認可停止を
米エネルギー環境調査研究所所長 アージャン・マキジャニ

悲しいことに、津波と地震がもたらした第2次大戦以降最大の惨劇的壊滅を被った日本は、放射能が引き起こすダメージに気付かせてくれた。 原子力エネルギーから脱却する道筋を描くのは複雑な作業だ。しかし日本人がそう決めた場合は、いくつかの迅速な行動が安全性を高め、コストを低減し、その道筋をスムーズにしてくれるだろう。 (使用済み核燃料からプルトニウムやウランを抽出する)再処理は液体状の放射性物質を生み出す。事故発生時の危険性は、東京電力福島第1原発でこれまでに見られた放射能放出に匹敵するか、それをしのぐ可能性がある。 青森県六ケ所村の再処理施設はまだ(本格)稼働していない。高速増殖炉原型炉「もんじゅ」は、ナトリウム冷却機能を備えているため、過酷な事故の場合は、火災や爆発を伴いうる。 六ケ所村の再処理施設も「もんじゅ」も電力生産には寄与しない。閉鎖することにより、安全性が高まる。 そして日本は原子力を段階的に廃棄し、再生可能エネルギーや天然ガス、水力による発電、(エネルギー)効率性と次世代送電網スマートグリッドによって、より安全なエネルギーセクターを再構築することができる。 米国はこれまでのところ、今回の危機にのんきに対応している。(米国内の)104基の原発にある使用済み核燃料プールはテロリストの攻撃に脆弱(ぜいじゃく)で、過酷事故に見舞われる可能性もある。 ブルックヘブン国立研究所の試算によれば、最悪のシナリオがもたらす損害は、約7千億ドル(約56兆円)に上り、10万人以上ががんで死亡する恐れがある。 しかしながら、米原子力規制委員会(NRC)はリスク低減が図れる、(使用済み核燃料を容器に入れて保管する)乾式貯蔵を命じてこなかった。 また新炉建設へ向けた認可作業を停止し、既存炉に対する認可手続きの見直しを行うことが良識的だが、そんな方向性は見えてこない。 米国は、石油輸出国機構(OPEC)諸国から輸入した石油よりも多くの再生可能エネルギーに頼っている。福島の惨事にもかかわらず、米国が再生可能エネルギーに全面依存した経済へ移行できなければ、ひどいことになるだろう。私は自著で、技術的かつ経済的にそれが実現可能であることを示している。 世界は、平和のハトを隠れみのに核爆弾の恐怖を覆い隠してきた「アトムズ・フォー・ピース(平和のための原子力)」を再考すべきだ。そして再生可能な道筋である「エネルギー・フォー・ピース(平和のためのエネルギー)」を構築しなければならない。
× × ARJUN MAKHIJANI 45年カラチ生まれ。インド・ムンバイ大を卒業後、カリフォルニア大バークリー校で技術工学、核融合を研究し72年に博士号取得。キャピトル大(メリーランド州)で助教授などを務め、87年から現職。



2011年 03月 30日 11:23 JST

布施 太郎  

[東京 30日 ロイター]
巨大地震と大津波で被災した東京電力(9501.T: 株価, ニュース, レポート)・福島第1原子力発電所から深刻な放射能汚染が広がっている。











 そして、同グラフは高さ15メートルを超す大津波が発生する可能性も示唆。リポートでは「津波の高さが設計の想定を超える可能性が依然としてありうる(we still have the possibilities that the tsunami height exceeds the determined design)」と指摘している。 





























 ウィキリークスが公開した文書によると、国際原子力機関(IAEA)の本部があるウィーンの米国大使館は2009年12月、ワシントンに対して、1本の公文書を送った。そこには、通産省(現経産省)出身で同機関の事務次長(原子力安全・核セキュリティ担当)を務めていた谷口富裕氏について、「特に日本の安全対策に対決するという点においては、彼は非力なマネージャーであり提唱者だった(Taniguchi has been a weak manager and advocate, particularly with respect to confronting Japan’s own safety practices.)」と記されており、同氏の取り組みに満足していない米国の見方を示唆している。



 「私たちがいま目にしている英雄的な行動が何を意味するか、原発が直面している現実を改めて考え直すべきだ」と、世界各地で環境や安全対策の強化を提言している「憂慮する科学者同盟」(The Union of Concerned Scientists)のメンバーで、原発設計の専門家でもあるエド・ライマン氏は語る。






















 (取材協力:Kevin Krolicki, Scott DiSavino 編集:北松克朗)



Special Report:
Japan engineers knew tsunami could overrun plant

By Kevin Krolicki, Scott DiSavino and Taro Fuse

TOKYO | Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:00pm EDT

(Reuters) - Over the past two weeks, Japanese government officials and Tokyo Electric Power executives have repeatedly described the deadly combination of the most powerful quake in Japan's history and the massive tsunami that followed as "soteigai," or beyond expectations.

When Tokyo Electric President Masataka Shimizu apologized to the people of Japan for the continuing crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant he called the double disaster "marvels of nature that we have never experienced before".

But a review of company and regulatory records shows that Japan and its largest utility repeatedly downplayed dangers and ignored warnings -- including a 2007 tsunami study from Tokyo Electric Power Co's senior safety engineer.

"We still have the possibilities that the tsunami height exceeds the determined design height due to the uncertainties regarding the tsunami phenomenon," Tokyo Electric researchers said in a report reviewed by Reuters.

The research paper concluded that there was a roughly 10 percent chance that a tsunami could test or overrun the defenses of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant within a 50-year span based on the most conservative assumptions.

But Tokyo Electric did nothing to change its safety planning based on that study, which was presented at a nuclear engineering conference in Miami in July 2007.

Meanwhile, Japanese nuclear regulators clung to a model that left crucial safety decisions in the hands of the utility that ran the plant, according to regulatory records, officials and outside experts.

Among examples of the failed opportunities to prepare for disaster, Japanese nuclear regulators never demanded that Tokyo Electric reassess its fundamental assumptions about earthquake and tsunami risk for a nuclear plant built more than four decades ago. In the 1990s, officials urged but did not require that Tokyo Electric and other utilities shore up their system of plant monitoring in the event of a crisis, the record shows.

Even though Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, (NISA) one of the three government bodies charged with nuclear safety, cataloged the damage to nuclear plant vent systems from an earlier earthquake, it did not require those to be protected against future disasters or hardened against explosions.

That marked a sharp break with safety practices put in place in the United States in the 1980s after Three Mile Island, even though Japan modeled its regulation on U.S. precedents and even allowed utilities to use American disaster manuals in some cases.

Ultimately, when the wave was crashing in, everything came down to the ability of Tokyo Electric's front-line workers to carry out disaster plans under intense pressure.

But even in normal operations, the regulatory record shows Tokyo Electric had been cited for more dangerous operator errors over the past five years than any other utility. In a separate 2008 case, it admitted that a 17-year-old worker had been hired illegally as part of a safety inspection at Fukushima Daiichi.

"It's a bit strange for me that we have officials saying this was outside expectations," said Hideaki Shiroyama, a professor at the University of Tokyo who has studied nuclear safety policy. "Unexpected things can happen. That's the world we live in."

He added: "Both the regulators and TEPCO are trying to avoid responsibility."

Najmedin Meshkati, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Southern California, said the government's approach of relying heavily on Tokyo Electric to do the right thing largely on its own had clearly failed.

"The Japanese government is receiving some advice, but they are relying on the already badly stretched resources of TEPCO to handle this," said Meshkati, a researcher of the Chernobyl disaster who has been critical of the company's safety record before. "Time is not on our side."

The revelation that Tokyo Electric had put a number to the possibility of a tsunami beyond the designed strength of its Fukushima nuclear plant comes at a time when investor confidence in the utility is in fast retreat.

Shares in the world's largest private utility have lost almost three-fourth of their value -- $30 billion -- since the March 11 earthquake pushed the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into crisis. Analysts see a chance the utility will be nationalized by the Japanese government in the face of mounting liability claims and growing public frustration.


The tsunami research presented by a Tokyo Electric team led by Toshiaki Sakai came on the first day of a three-day conference in July 2007 organized by the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering.

It represented the product of several years of work at Japan's top utility, prompted by the 2004 earthquake off the coast of Sumatra that had shaken the industry's accepted wisdom. In that disaster, the tsunami that hit Indonesia and a dozen other countries around the Indian Ocean also flooded a nuclear power plant in southern India. That raised concerns in Tokyo about the risk to Japan's 55 nuclear plants, many exposed to the dangerous coast in order to have quick access to water for cooling.

Tokyo Electric's Fukushima Daiichi plant, some 240 km (150 miles) northeast of Tokyo, was a particular concern.

The 40-year-old nuclear complex was built near a quake zone in the Pacific that had produced earthquakes of magnitude 8 or higher four times in the past 400 years -- in 1896, 1793, 1677 and then in 1611, Tokyo Electric researchers had come to understand.

Based on that history, Sakai, a senior safety manager at Tokyo Electric, and his research team applied new science to a simple question: What was the chance that an earthquake-generated wave would hit Fukushima? More pressing, what were the odds that it would be larger than the roughly 6-meter (20 feet) wall of water the plant had been designed to handle?

The tsunami that crashed through the Fukushima plant on March 11 was 14 meters high.

Sakai's team determined the Fukushima plant was dead certain to be hit by a tsunami of one or two meters in a 50-year period. They put the risk of a wave of 6 meters or more at around 10 percent over the same time span.

In other words, Tokyo Electric scientists realized as early as 2007 that it was quite possible a giant wave would overwhelm the sea walls and other defenses at Fukushima by surpassing engineering assumptions behind the plant's design that date back to the 1960s.

Company Vice President Sakae Muto said the utility had built its Fukushima nuclear power plant "with a margin for error" based on its assessment of the largest waves to hit the site in the past.

That would have included the magnitude 9.5 Chile earthquake in 1960 that killed 140 in Japan and generated a wave estimated at near 6 meters, roughly in line with the plans for Fukushima Daiichi a decade later.

"It's been pointed out by some that there could be a bigger tsunami than we had planned for, but my understanding of the situation is that there was no consensus among the experts," Muto said in response to a question from Reuters.

Despite the projection by its own safety engineers that the older assumptions might be mistaken, Tokyo Electric was not breaking any Japanese nuclear safety regulation by its failure to use its new research to fortify Fukushima Daiichi, which was built on the rural Pacific coast to give it quick access to sea water and keep it away from population centers.

"There are no legal requirements to re-evaluate site related (safety) features periodically," the Japanese government said in a response to questions from the United Nations nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, in 2008.

In fact, in safety guidelines issued over the past 20 years, Japanese nuclear safety regulators had all but written off the risk of a severe accident that would test the vaunted safety standards of one of their 55 nuclear reactors, a key pillar of the nation's energy and export policies.

That has left planning for a strategy to head off runaway meltdown in the worst case scenarios to Tokyo Electric in the belief that the utility was best placed to handle any such crisis, according to published regulations.

In December 2010, for example, Japan's Nuclear Safety Commission said the risk for a severe accident was "extremely low" at reactors like those in operation at Fukushima. The question of how to prepare for those scenarios would be left to utilities, the commission said.

A 1992 policy guideline by the NSC also concluded core damage at one of Japan's reactors severe enough to release radiation would be an event with a probability of once in 185 years. So with such a limited risk of happening, the best policy, the guidelines say, is to leave emergency response planning to Tokyo electric and other plant operators.


Over the past 20 years, nuclear operators and regulators in Europe and the United States have taken a new approach to managing risk. Rather than simple defenses against failures, researchers have examined worst-case outcomes to test their assumptions, and then required plants to make changes.

They have looked especially at the chance that a single calamity could wipe out an operator's main defense and its backup, just as the earthquake and tsunami did when the double disaster took out the main power and backup electricity to Fukushima Daiichi.

Japanese nuclear safety regulators have been slow to embrace those changes.

Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA), one of three government bodies with responsibility for safety policy and inspections, had published guidelines in 2005 and 2006 based on the advances in regulation elsewhere but did not insist on their application.

"Since, in Japanese safety regulation, the application of risk information is scarce in experience ? (the) guidelines are in trial use," the NISA said.

Japanese regulators and Tokyo Electric instead put more emphasis on regular maintenance and programs designed to catch flaws in the components of their aging plants.

That was the thinking behind extending the life of the No. 1 reactor at Fukushima Daiichi, which had been scheduled to go out of commission in February after a 40-year run.

But shutting down the reactor would have made it much more difficult for Japan to reach its target of deriving half of its total generation of electricity from nuclear power by June 2010 -- or almost double its share in 2007.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) figured it could reach the target by building at least 14 new nuclear plants, and running existing plants harder and longer. Fukushima's No. 1 reactor was given a 10-year extension after Tokyo Electric submitted a maintenance plan.

Safety regulators, who also belong to METI, did not require Tokyo Electric to rethink the fundamental safety assumptions behind the plant. The utility only had to insure the reactor's component parts were not being worn down dangerously, according to a 2009 presentation by the utility's senior maintenance engineer.

That kind of thinking -- looking at potential problems with components without seeing the risk to the overall plant -- was evident in the way that Japanese officials responded to trouble with backup generators at a nuclear reactor even before the tsunami.

On four occasions over the past four years, safety inspectors from Japan and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were called in to review failures with backup diesel generators at nuclear plants.

In June 2007, an inspector was dispatched to Fukushima's No. 4 reactor, where the backup generator had caught fire after a circuit breaker was installed improperly, according to the inspector's report.

"There is no need of providing feedback to other plants for the reason that no similar event could occur," the June 2007 inspection concluded.

The installation had met its safety target. Nothing in that report or any other shows safety inspectors questioned the placement of the generators on low ground near the shore where they proved to be at highest risk for tsunami damage at Fukushima Daiichi.


Japanese nuclear regulators have handed primary responsibility for dealing with nuclear plant emergencies to the utilities themselves. But that hinges on their ability to carry them out in an actual crisis, and the record shows that working in a nuclear reactor has been a dangerous and stressful job in Japan even under routine conditions.

Inspectors with Japan's Nuclear Energy Safety Organization have recorded 18 safety lapses at Tokyo Electric's 17 nuclear plants since 2005. Ten of them were attributed to mistakes by staff and repairmen.

They included failures to follow established maintenance procedures and failures to perform prescribed safety checks. Even so, Tokyo Electric was left on its own to set standards for nuclear plant staff certification, a position some IAEA officials had questioned in 2008.

In March 2004, two workers in Tokyo Electric's Fukushima Daini plant passed out when the oxygen masks they were using - originally designed for use on an airplane - began leaking and allowed nitrogen to seep into their air supply.

The risks also appear to have made it hard to hire for key positions. In 2008, Toshiba admitted it had illegally used six employees under the age of 18 as part of a series of inspections of nuclear power plants at Tokyo Electric and Tohoku Electric. One of those minors, then aged 17, had participated in an inspection of the Fukushima Daiichi No. 5 reactor, Tokyo Electric said then.

The magnitude 9.0 quake struck on Friday afternoon of March 11 -- the most powerful in Japan's long history of them -- pushed workers at the Fukushima plant to the breaking point as injuries mounted and panic took hold.

Hiroyuki Nishi, a subcontractor who had been moving scaffolding inside Reactor No. 3 when the quake hit, described a scene of chaos as a massive hook came crashing down next to him. "People were shouting 'Get out, get out!'" Nishi said. "Everyone was screaming."

In the pandemonium, workers pleaded to be let out, knowing a tsunami was soon to come. But Tokyo Electric supervisors appealed for calm, saying each worker had to be tested first for radiation exposure. Eventually, the supervisors relented, threw open the doors to the plant and the contractors scrambled for high ground just ahead of the tsunami.

After the wave receded, two employee were missing, apparently washed away while working on unit No. 4. Two contractors were treated for leg fractures and two others were treated for slight injuries. A ninth worker was being treated for a stroke.

In the chaos of the early response, workers did not notice when the diesel pumps at No. 2 ran out of fuel, allowing water levels to fall and fuel to become exposed and overheat. When the Fukushima plant suffered its second hydrogen blast in three days the following Monday, Tokyo electric executives only notified the prime minister's office an hour later. Seven workers had been injured in the explosion along with four soldiers.

An enraged Prime Minister Naoto Kan pulled up to Tokyo Electric's headquarters the next morning before dawn. "What the hell is going on?" reporters outside the closed-door discussion reported hearing Kan demand angrily of senior executives.

Errors of judgment by workers in the hot zone and errors of calculation by plant managers hampered the emergency response a full week later as some 600 soldiers and workers struggled to contain the spread of radiation.

On Thursday, two workers at Fukushima were shuttled to the hospital to be treated for potential radiation burns after wading in water in the turbine building of reactor No. 3. The workers had ignored their radiation alarms thinking they were broken.

Then Tokyo electric officials pulled workers back from an effort to pump water out of the No. 2 reactor and reported that radiation readings were 10 million times normal. They later apologized, saying that reading was wrong. The actual reading was still 100,000 times normal, Tokyo Electric said.

The government's chief spokesman was withering in his assessment. "The radiation readings are an important part of a number of important steps we're taking to protect safety," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters. "There is no excuse for getting them wrong."


Although U.S. nuclear plant operators were required to install "hardened" vent systems in the 1980s after the Three Mile Island incident, Japan's Nuclear Safety Commission rejected the need to require such systems in 1992, saying that should be left to the plant operators to decide.

A nuclear power plant's vent represents one of the last resorts for operators struggling to keep a reactor from pressure that could to blow the building that houses it apart and spread radiation, which is what happened at Chernobyl 25 years ago. A hardened vent in a U.S. plant is designed to behave like the barrel on a rifle, strong enough to withstand an explosive force from within.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission concluded in the late 1980s that the General Electric designed Mark I reactors, like those used at Fukushima, required safety modifications.

The risks they flagged, and that Tokyo did not heed, would come back to haunt Japan in the Fukushima crisis.

First, U.S. researchers concluded that a loss of power at one of the nuclear plants would be one of the "dominant contributors" to the most severe accidents. Flooding of the reactor building would worsen the risks. The NRC also required U.S. plants to install "hard pipe" after concluding the sheet-metal ducts used in Japan could make things much worse.

"Venting via a sheet metal duct system could result in a reactor building hydrogen burn," researchers said in a report published in November 2008.

In the current crisis, the failure of the more vulnerable duct vents in Fukushima's No. 1 and No. 3 reactors may have contributed to the hydrogen explosions that blew the roof off the first and left the second a tangled hulk of steel beams in the first three days of the crisis.

The plant vents, which connect to the big smokestack-like towers, appear to have been damaged in the quake or the tsunami, one NISA official said.

Even without damage, opening the vulnerable vents in the presence of a build-up of hydrogen gas was a known danger. In the case of Fukushima, opening the vents to relieve pressure was like turning on an acetylene torch and then watching the flame "shoot back into the fuel tank," said one expert with knowledge of Fukushima who asked not to be identified because of his commercial ties in Japan.

Tokyo Electric began venting the No. 1 reactor on March 12 just after 10 a.m. An hour earlier the pressure in the reactor was twice its designed limit. Six hours later the reactor exploded.

The same pattern held with reactor No. 3. Venting to relieve a dangerous build-up of pressure in the reactor began on March 13. A day later, the outer building - a concrete and steel shell known as the "secondary containment" -- exploded.

Toshiaki Sakai, the Tokyo Electric researcher who worked on tsunami risk, also sat on a panel in 2008 that reviewed the damage to the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant. In that case, Tokyo Electric safely shut down the plant, which survived a quake 2.5 times stronger than it had been designed to handle.

Sakai and the other panelists agreed that despite the successful outcome the way the ground sank and broke underground pipes needed for firefighting equipment had to be considered "a failure to fulfill expected performance".

Japanese regulators also knew a major earthquake could damage exhaust ducts. A September 2007 review of damage at the same Tokyo Electric nuclear plant by NISA Deputy Director Akira Fukushima showed two spots where the exhaust ducts had broken.

No new standard was put in place requiring vents to be shored up against potential damage, records show.

Masashi Goto, a former nuclear engineer who has turned critical of the industry, said he believed Tokyo Electric and regulators wrongly focused on the parts of the plant that performed well in the 2007 quake, rather than the weaknesses it exposed. "I think they drew the wrong lesson," Goto said.

The March 11 quake not only damaged the vents but also the gauges in the Fukushima Daiichi complex, which meant that Tokyo Electric was without much of the instrumentation it needed to assess the situation on the ground during the crisis.

"The data we're getting is very sketchy and makes it impossible for us to do the analysis," said David Lochbaum, a nuclear expert and analyst with the Union of Concerned Scientists. "It's hard to connect the dots when there are so few dots."

In fact, Japan's NSC had concluded in 1992 that it was important for nuclear plant operators to have access to key gauges and instruments even in the kind of crisis that had not happened then. But it left plans on how to implement that policy entirely to the plant operators.

In the Fukushima accident, most meters and gauges were taken out by the loss of power in the early days of the crisis.

That left a pair of workers in a white Prius to race into the plant to get radiation readings with a handheld device in the early days of the crisis, according to Tokyo Electric.

They could have used robots to go in.

Immediately after the tsunami, a French firm with nuclear expertise shipped robots for use in Fukushima, a European nuclear expert said. The robots are built to withstand high radiation.

But Japan, arguably the country with the most advanced robotics industry, stopped them from arriving in Fukishima, saying such help could only come through government channels, said the expert who asked not to be identified so as not to appear critical of Japan in a moment of crisis.

(Scott DiSavino was reporting from New York; additional reporting by Kentaro Sugiayama in Tokyo, Bernie Woodall in Detroit, Eileen O'Grady in New York, Roberta Rampton in Washington)

(Editing by Bill Tarrant)

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nuclear meltdowns and Japanese culture

Japanese engineers have a much deserved reputation for efficiency. How else could they have created a car industry that could defeat the U.S industry on its home ground? But the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant suggests a partial rethink is needed. When it comes to nuclear affairs, maybe they are not as brilliant as they should be.

Some years back I found myself appointed to official committees and councils (shingikai) set up to consider nuclear energy policy and nuclear safety. What I saw and heard then gave me little confidence that Japan was on top of the safety question. The overall impression was one of pervasive, bureaucratic incompetence and complacency.

We were told constantly how Japan's high technical levels and attention to safety meant that accidents like the 1986 Chernobyl reactor explosion in the former Soviet Union or the 1979 Three Mile island meltdown and radiation leakage scare in the U.S. could not happen to Japan. Yet today we are looking at a disaster much worse than Three Mile Island. On the international scale of danger from nuclear accidents, Fukushima is said to be closing in on Chernobyl.

What went wrong? Attention is focused on the frantic efforts to ease or prevent radiation leakage from damaged reactor buildings. But the contradictions, obfuscations and attempted excuses in official statements are not reassuring. And when it comes to the original cause of the disaster, namely the mistaken location of the emergency backup equipment allowing it to be flooded by the tsunami, then no excuses are possible. It was a typically Japanese failure to engage in contingency planning ? a worthy trait at times but not when it comes to nuclear power.

The Tohoku coastline, including Fukushima, faces one of the world's more active areas of tectonic plate activity. It ranks with both Chile and Sumatra in its ability to cause devastating tsunami. The plant began construction just 10 years after the 1960 Chile-origin tsunami that had wiped out many Tohoku coastal towns and villages.

The deadly 2004 Sumatra earthquake would have been a good reminder of more tsunami dangers to come. Yet, both then and until now, the planners seem to have believed that the sea wall in front of the site was sufficient protection from a locally generated tsunami.

As it turned out, they were wrong; the tsunami swept across the wall and flooded the equipment, causing the present emergency. But if the emergency equipment had been placed on high ground or, even better, put underground, as seems to be the current U.S. policy, then the size of the tsunami would not have mattered. Yet, for some incredible reason, the equipment was placed above ground and close to the water's edge ? an open invitation for the trouble we now see. Whose decision was that?

At a recent press conference, Shiro Ogura, a retired Toshiba expert on nuclear plant design formerly involved with the Fukushima project, blamed U.S. company General Electric, which built the original plant. But why didn't someone on the Japanese side more familiar with tsunami point out the danger either then or later?

In the endless meetings on nuclear safety and policy I attended over three years as a member of those committees, such problems got little attention. Instead, voluminous situation reports constantly repeated the need for nuclear energy (with which I agreed) while giving bland assurances of its safety.

Glossy brochures and elaborate public meetings aimed to counter the strong antinuclear movement in Japan seemed the main objective. My suggestions that staff who pointed out dangers and lapses ? whistle-blowers as we call them ? should be rewarded got short shrift.

The suggestions were "contrary to the Japanese culture of enterprise loyalty," I was told bluntly. Pointing out that other well-known aspect of the same group culture ? a tendency to coverups and complacency ? did not seem welcome.

My suggestion that serious dialogue with the antinuclear movement, including permissions for spot checks on generating plants, would do more to convince and educate people than glossy pamphlets got nowhere. The paternalistic assumption was that the nuclear energy people knew what was best for Japan, and the rest of Japan had to accept that, period.

Even now officialdom does not seem to want to realize the extent of the disaster it has created. While U.S. experts issue deep warnings of impending meltdowns, Japan's officials and experts try to convince us and themselves that each stopgap measure will provide the answer.

The national ganbaru (try hard) mentality will conquer all, they seem to think, including those warnings by the foreigners. Or else some kamikaze (divine wind) will come to rescue Japan, once again. TV stations continue with their usual diet of cheap gag shows and food tasting. Similarities with Japan's fatalistic optimism in the final Pacific War days are not hard to find.


 何がまちがったのか。いま損傷を受けた原子炉建屋から漏れる放射能を減らす、あるいは防ぐための必死の努力に注目が集まっている。しかし、公式発表の矛盾、わかりにくさ、苦しいいい訳を聞いても、安心できない。災害の根本原因については、つまり非常用バックアップ装置を津波に襲わせてしまったという建築場所のミスは、弁解の余地がない。不慮の出来事へ備えをしなかった― 時には役立つこともある特性だが、こと原発に関してはそうはいかない― という典型的に日本的なミスだ。
 だが彼らはまちがっていたことが判った;津波は壁を乗り越え、設備を水浸しにし、目下の非常事態を招いた。仮に非常用装置を高台に置いていたなら、そしてさらによいのは地下に埋めていたなら、― それが現在アメリカの方針のようだが― その場合は津波の大きさも問題にならなかっただろう。ところが、何か信じられないような理由で、設備は地面の上に、しかも海側に置かれていた。今回の事故を、どうぞと招いているようなものだ。これは誰の決定によるものか。
 私は3年間これらの委員会のメンバーとして参加した会議で、こうした問題はあまり注目されていなかった。その代わりに、大部の現状報告書が原子力エネルギーの必要性(これには私も賛成だが)を繰り返し強調する一方、安全については煮え切らない保証をしていた。日本で盛んな反核運動に反撃するための、ピカピカのパンフや用意周到な公聴会が主な目的のようだった。危険や不備を指摘する職員の内部告発― われわれは英語でホイッスル・ブローアー(警笛鳴らし)と呼んでいる― に報奨金を出してはどうかという私の提案は、あっさり却下。それは“会社に忠誠という日本の文化に反するものだ”、という一言で片付けられた。同じグループ主義文化の他のよく知られた面― カバーアップや自己満足に陥る傾向― を指摘しても歓迎されない雰囲気だった。

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JETRO’s english article about "morinaga arsenic milk poisoning incident"

【English version commentary】Morinaga arsenic milk poisoning incident

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TOP PAGE / Museum of Morinaga Arsenic Milk Poisoning Incident
1-10-30 , Bancyo ,Kitaku,Okayama , 700-0811 , Japan